Causes of the Revolutionay War

  • French and Indian War (Start)

    The conflict called the French and Indian War started. It was a conflict between England and France, and the French were allied with the Native Americans.
  • French and Indian War (End)

    This is the year the peace was finally made between the French/Native Americans and England
  • Proclamation of 1763

    The Proclamation of 1763 was passed by English Parliament. It said the the Colonists could not settle west of a certain point. It made the Colonists very mad, but they couldn't do anything about it. The cause of this was to hopefully please the, and notr native americans by not pushing them off of their land.
  • The Sugar Act

    This was a tax of 6 pence (English version of cents) per pund. This was a high tax at the time, and this made the Colonists very mad.
  • Stamp Act

    This was a tax implemented by parliament. the intent of this tax was to make the colonists pay taxes in the form of a stamp. This made the colonists very angry, and they responded with violence, trying to make the tax collectors resign because of intimidation. Parliament repealed the stamp act in 1776 because of tax collectors resigning, but instead they implemented a declatory act
  • Stamp Act Congress

    There was a saying that the people of this congress would say. It was "No Taxation Without Representation." The colonists were very mad about the taxes that had been put on them, so they decided to put actions with their words. This was a time that all of the colonies worked together, and decided to go against the king.
  • Townshend Acts

    This was an act authorized by parliament, to put a tax on imported goods such as glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. This made the colonists very angry, and troops had to be brought in to stop an uprising in Boston.
  • Boycott of Townshend Acts

    What this was, was a retaliation from the Colonists to not trade with Braitain on certain goods since the acts were implemtented. They would not trade with the British because it would cause them to lose more money, and it would make them look weak, and under the Kings control. This did not really effect the economy of Britain at all, but it did affect the merchants, and they complained to the King, and he decided to repeal the acts because of the complaints.
  • Boston Massacre

    This was a killing of 5 colonists by British troops in Boston.The Colonists were taunting and teasing the soldiers, and the soldiers retaliated with force and fired their muskets into the crowd. It killled 3 instantly, and injured 11. 2 of those that were injured died later. This would later be known as the Boston Massacre. It also had a major influence on how the Colonists saw the British Crown, and nation as a whole.
  • Geography

    This was a big factor because it made the colonists want freedom, because they were so far away from the mainland. When people came across the atlantic ocean to settle on new lands, they were streaking away with the hope of freedom, and independence with it. This could have been one of the resons that the people of Britain came to settle on the new lands.
  • Tea Act

    The tea act was not for taxes, but to help the East India Coupany.
  • Boston Tea Party

    This was an outrage by the colonists and the group called the Sons of Liberty on the tea tax implemented by parliament. The colonists took the tea off of a ship and tossed it into the Boston Harbor. Colonists in Virginia did something similar, but they put the tea into cellars for it to spoil and go bad.
  • the Battle of Lexigton and Concord

    British troops were sent in to capture Samuel Adams and John Hancock. The night before this happend, the two had escaped. This was when Paul Revere had his midnight ride to warn the people of Concord of the British attack, or the "Minute Men." Soldiers ready to fight in a minute. This was the start of the Revolutionary war, and also where the "Shot Heard 'Round the World.
  • Declaratory Act

    This was what parliament had implemented right after the stamp act was repealed . The colonists did not care what it said, but they did care that the stamp act had been repealed. The declatory act did not put on a tax or ask the colonies to give them anything, but just their understanding that parliament and the king is in charge.