Slaves in the cotton fields

Causes of the Civil War Timeline and Tension Meter!

  • the Missouri Compromise

    the Missouri Compromise
    Slavery will not be allowed above the 36 30 line.
    -Maine enters as a free state
    -Missouri enters as a slave state
  • Tariff of abomination

    Tariff of abomination
    Divides the country.
    -North= supports it
    -South= oppose it
  • Compromise of 1850

    California enters as a free state
    2. Slave trade allowed in Washington D.c
    3. Territories will use popular sovereignty.
    4.Passage of the fugitive slave law.
  • Underground Railroad

    Passage many slaves took to escape with help from Northerners.
  • Fugitive slave Law

    Runaway slaves had to be returned to the owner.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Author: Harriet Beecher Stowe
    impact: Describes the horrors of slavery, made the abolish of slavery a priority. One of the best selling books of all time
  • Republican Party Created

    Official platform was to stop the expansion of slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    The people territor would vote on the issue of slavery.
  • Dred Scott Case

    Scott was a slave who sued for his freedom based on the fact he had lived in a free state.
    -Supreme COurt ruled that
    - Scott was not a citizen and could not be free
    - Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
  • Harper's Ferry

    Abolist John Brown led a raid on a federal arsenal in Virginia in an attempt to arm slaves and rebel.
    North: Declared Brown a hero
    South: Used the raid as an attack on the Republicans