Imgres 10

Causes of the Civil War

  • Slavery comes to America

    Slavery comes to America
    Slavery started in Jamestown when the first people came to the new country to live. In 1636 the slave trade was started bewtween the new country and Britian. The built compounds to keep the slaves in in the new country. As our country grew slavery was one of the only ways we knew. It was what we were use too.
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    This was established in 1810 and went all the way through the 1850's. This really wasn't underground but a group of houses and paths that led slaves to the north. There was many paths that led through Ohio to where they could be free. This made the white people mad that slaves were excaping. ALmost 100,000 slaves exacpted over the 40 year period.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    This was done to try and keep the power the same between the south and the north. Each slave in Missouri would be counted as 1/4 of a whole person trying to keep it fare in Congress. This actually gave the south more power. The slaveholding states did not want to loose there power. Missoui was one of the only slave states obove the line divided between the north and south.
  • States Rights

    States Rights
    This was about who had the power, the federal government or the state government. They could not decide who could have or could not have slaves. The state government and federal government were not saying the same things. This led to trouble. The states wanted to be able to say if they could or could not have slavery but the federal government thought that was there decision.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman
    She was one the main people who escaped people from the south. She ran away with her brothers when she was about 20-25. They ran away because they thought they would be sold because there master died. She helped tons of slaves become free to the north over her time. People did not like her and didn't know how she was doing it.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This book was written by a slave who refers to him self as Uncle Tom. Many people read this and changed there point of view with slavery. Three years after it was published people referred to it as the most popular of the day. It was the second best selling novel after the bible. It started out as a newspaper and was published in the north.
  • Dread Scott Decision

    Dread Scott Decision
    Dread Scott was a slave who went to the Supreme Court hoping to get his freedom where ever he went. He said that it says in the Declaration of Independants that "All men are created equal." Taney said that they were not meaning African Americans. His owner died in the north with him so he thought that he should be free and not have to be in slavery. The judge said that no blacks could become citizens.
  • Haprper's Ferry Rade

    Haprper's Ferry Rade
    John Brown was the leader and came up with the idea. He got 21 followers to come with him. He raided the Commonwealth of Virginia. John Brown was caught and hung on December 2, 1859. This is thought to be one of the biggest reasons to the Civil War.
  • Abrham Lincoln Election

    Abrham Lincoln Election
    When Abraham Lincoln became president many people thought/think of it as the begging of the end of slavery. He won the elction with about 46% of the votes. There was three other canidates running. Not very many people liked him. Very few people really really liked him a lot. He ended up being the key to freedom. Atleast, that is how most people see him.
  • First Shot

    First Shot
    The first shot was fired at Fort Sumtner which was at Morris Island. The Confederate fired at the Union ship. Major Anderson was the one who directed the fire. This started the Civil War.