Causes of the American Revolution

  • Proclamation of 1763

    King George lll signed the proclamation forbidding any colonists to live past the Appalachian Mountains. Anybody already past the mountains had to go back to other settlements. The colonists didn't like that they couldn't go past the Appalachian Mountains and felt as if they had a right to it.
  • Sugar Act

    The Parliament passed the Sugar Act to pay for the expenses of the war. Another reason why it was passed was so that they could pay for new colonies and territory. The act created more tax on textiles, coffee, wines, and indigo. It also taxed imported items such as sugar.
  • Stamp Act of 1764

    The British make the colonists pay taxes, not to their legislatures, but to England. England made them pay because they had stationed British soldiers in the colonies. All of the printed materials were taxed.