Causes of the american revolution 1 728

Causes of the American Revolution

  • End of French and Indian War

    End of French and Indian War
    British won the French and Indian War. This caused British to be broke and have debt and result of that taxes came in the situation.
  • Result of the French and Indian War

    Result of the French and Indian War
    Treaties were signed of Hubertusburg and Paris, and because of that France lost all claims with Canada.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The British put taxes on all of the colonies. There were taxes on everything that was being sold. The Americans were mad and caused riots.
  • Townshed Act

    Townshed Act
    Taxes were passed by the British, and taxes were put on goods and in effect of the the Americans were happy about that which caused tensions between them.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was a riot that first started on King Street in Boston with a British solider and an American colonist arguing. Which escalated into something really bad which many people lost there lives and were wounded.
  • Boston TeaParty

    Boston TeaParty
    British passed a new law which was the "Tea Act". British tea was sold at an unfair price. Since it was not fair the tea was dumped into the water by the Americans on the Perl Harbor. They were trying to show the British they did not like the new law.
  • The Intolerable Acts

    The Intolerable Acts
    The Intolerable Acts was an order which was to punish Massachusetts for the way they were acting.
  • The Coercive Acts

    The Coercive Acts
    The Coercive Acts was when the British government decided to tame the colonist in Massachusetts. In spring 1774 Parliament passed 4 laws, which was to close Boston Habor until recitation was paid in cause of the tea that was destroyed. Also replaced the colony's elected council.
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker hill was a battle where 2,300 British soldiers "cleared" the hill of the Americans, but the Americans won.
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The battle of Lexington and Concord was a battle (1775-1776, October-January) between the British and the American malisha. It starting with both side shooting at each other at Lexington. The British began to conquer but the Americans sent the British back because of the malisha.