
American Revolution - Flora

  • The End of the French and Indian War

    The End of the French and Indian War
    "The Treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian War. The French received all land from the Mississippi River west, while the British received all from the Mississippi River east.
  • Sugar Acts

    Sugar Acts
    "The Tax were lowered on mulesses, the colonists felt violated from the right to trial where they did innocent until gults and secure homes. Taking goods 210 people going to court. James Otis was a lawyer. No parts of colonists tired rights to be rep."
  • Key Actions

    Key Actions
    "The Continental Congress takes a step to begin governing the colonists, it also formed committees handle revealed native Americans and foreign, it created a Continental Army. They caring overall strategy for fighting the British and not carry force. An choose George Washington to command this army.
  • Stamp act

    Stamp act
    "Act that regulating stamp duty, the British Parliament in 1765 that revue from the American Colonies by Stamp duty on newspaper and legal, and even commercial documents. That led the other acts repeal in 1766 an helped encourage the revolutionary movement against the Crown."
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    "The colonists went on a boycott with leading them Samuel Adams, they were against the Redcoats, with 2 killed and 3 injured with on of the people who got killed was Crispus Attucks Native-African American being the first Native-African American to be killed in the American Revolution.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    "The British brought tea from East-India and got the right ship to bring it to the colonies first going to England. An who would ever sell the tea would be given a commission agent. An bring the Lowered-Taxes.
  • Tea Party

    Tea Party
    "After the trouble with the colonists the British brought the East-India tea on a ship to New York, and Philadelphia. The colonists dresses up as Indians/Native Americans and pushed the 342 tea crates into the sea with killing sea life.
  • Coercive Acts

    Coercive Acts
    "The King forced the colonists to to be punished for resisting British authority."
  • Intolerance Acts

    Intolerance Acts
    "News came out about the Boston Tea Party, King George III realized that the colonists were out of control. That's made the series of laws called the Coercive Acts.
  • Jefferson write the DOI

    Jefferson write the DOI
    When the second Continental Congress convened in Philadelphia delegates that great Britain was separated. Congress formed a committee, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, Roger Livingston, and Thomas Jefferson were all part of the committing. Jefferson had about 17 days to make the committee and a day or two to finish the draft. The Decoration was about how King of Great Britain made sins, and made a deal the British Crown that the Colonies will become "Free States of Independents."
  • Battles of Trenton and New Jersey

    Battles of Trenton and New Jersey
    A small but pivotal battle during the Revolutionary War.
  • Thru 1778 - Manumission

    Thru 1778 - Manumission
    Virginia changed the laws, and declared freedom for slaves who ought in the Revolutionary war. In 1782 laws permitted the master of the slaves to free their slaves. By 1788 African Americans population grew they made a law that whites are forbidden to move into the state.
  • American and British battle Savages

    American and British battle Savages
    One of the bloodiest battles of the Revolutionary War. Loyalists and several Indians allied to ambush a American military to relieve of Fort Stanwix. Patriots and allied Oneidas fought against the Loyalists and Irogious of the absences of the regular British soldiers.
  • Howe captures Philadelphia

    Howe captures Philadelphia
    Howe sailed from the South from New York, moved on to Chesapeake Bay, landing on Head of Elk. He moved north to Delaware and his Men shrieked with Americans at Cooch's Bridge. He won a battle against Washington at the Battle of Brandywine. And the British tool over Philadelphia for the Revolutionary war.
  • thru 1778 - State Constitutions

    thru 1778 - State Constitutions
    A seven article Constitutions of the United States is the supreme laws of the USA. It is national frame of the Government. The three articles embodies of separation of power, federal governments are divided into three branches, the legislative, the executive, consisting of the President, consisting of the bicameral Congress, the judicial, and the Supreme Court and other federal Court.
  • Articles Of Conversation

    Articles Of Conversation
    John Dickinson drafted the Article and named it Confederation"the United States of America". Articles was adopted by Congress, each Congress voted for each state. But with no strong Government each state entered a league of Friendship with each other. But they had to delayed to vote because Maryland voted on March 1, 1781.
  • Congress Prohibits enslaved people imported to the US

    Congress Prohibits enslaved people imported to the US
    The Congress made a federal law to banned new slaves from importing into the United States. I took effected in 1808 by the the United States Constitution.
  • Winter at Valley Forge

    Winter at Valley Forge
    The Valley Forge functioned by the third military encampments for the Continental Army's main body, located at the Northwest of Philadelphia. The army was commanded by George Washington. By this time the British captured the Philadelphia. The winter was a big trial for the army, disease were killing hundreds of men. But the suffering soldiers held together by giving Loyalty to the Patriots and General Washington. Who was staying with his men during the harsh winter.
  • John Paul Jones & Serapis

    John Paul Jones & Serapis
    Serapis is a unconventional early united States ensign. The battle of Flamborough Head Captain John Paul Jones captured the Serapis with his own ship because the Bonhomme Richard sank. She sank from being blown from the mast into the sea during the battle.
  • Spain Declares war on Great Britian

    Spain Declares war on Great Britian
    Spain allied with the Americans to battle Great Britain. Between the international powers of Britain and France, they ensured that they had to spread their their resources even thinner. King Charles dived them out from Gibraltar. Spanish took the West side of Florida and took the east side by force for the Independence war to end. Also to secure the Gulf of Mexico.
  • British forces capture Charles Town

    British forces capture Charles Town
    The British major victory during the American Revolutionary War. Following the collapse of their Northern strategy, and their withdrawal from Philadelphia. To shifted to focus to American Southern Colonies. It was the worst American defeat of the war.
  • British surrender at Yorktown

    British surrender at Yorktown
    The American declared independence, it took another five years to win the freedom from the British. The British General Charles Cornwallis surrendered his troops in Yorktown, and Virginia. Charles brought 8,000 British troops to Yorktown.
  • Plans for first Fed. Tax

    Plans for first Fed. Tax
    Virginia was the first tax players and list made 34,000 early residents. In early Quaker Records Virginia was the oldest Records.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    A treaty signed by Great Britain, France, and Spain that ended the seven years of war in Europe., and the French and Indian war in North America. 1783 treaty was signed by the US and Great Britain to ended the American Revolution.1989 was signed by US and Spain to ended the Spanish-American War. Britain eared back Guadeloupe to control. The French got to control Canada ones more.
  • Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers

    Spain closed lower Mississippi River to American Western Settlers
    Spain was causes for the American southwest so they closed the mouth of Mississippi River. Which the western farmers needed for transport to market, and hoping that will lure the the farmers from the America and joining Spanish North America. New US were too weak to so anything and wouldn't be until 1795, Pinckney's Treaty that was the resolution to be the problem was about.
  • The Ordinance of 1785

    The Ordinance of 1785
    It was adopted by the US Congress of the Confederation. It was a land policy until the passage of the Homestead Act of 1862. Ohio was divide from the western lands with the population of 60,000. Slavery was banned from the western lands. It gave territory was divided into thirty-six sections of 640 acres, these sections are for re-sale by settlers and land. Although many school sections are sold to raise the money for the public, section 36 each township made school section.
  • The North West Ordinance

    The North West Ordinance
    This was a government of the territory of the US, North-west of the Ohio River. Congress faced problems of gaining control or the land. Because the Great Britain gained control the region of the US. They had to send the American settlers to the Ohio Valley, there was violent confrontations with the regions. And the British Army continued to occupy forts in the region. The slavery that was Prohibited in the region effected the Ohio River as it divided between slave states and free states.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    Shay's uprising was in Western Massachusetts in opposition to a debt crisis among the citizenry and state government to collect taxes, individuals, and their trades. There was a fight taking place of mostly of Springfield. He led four thousand rebels to protest economic and civil rights injustices.
  • Convention

    This made in old Philadelphia State House know has the Independence House. Even if it was for the League of the States and the first system of Government under the Articles Of Confederation. James Madison and Alexander Hamilton created a new government rather fixing the the curtain one. George Washington commanded the general Continental Army in the late American Revolutionary War. The Convention created the Constitution of the United States and significant events in American History.
  • Signing of the Constitutions

    Signing of the Constitutions
    The signatures it included a brief document that the delegates work had been successfully completed. Those whose signed the subscribe to the final document, included a statement pronouncing the document's by the States present. A date was made of it adoption along the signatures of those who adopted it. William Jackson added a note to verify four amendments made by hand to the documents. And signed the note. It was presented by Benjamin Franklin, and it made hopes of wining votes.
  • Delaware first state to approve Constitutions

    Delaware first state to approve Constitutions
    After the nine states all approved the Constitution,10 months later Delaware approved the Constitution. It believed stronger national government would help to protect them against a attack and level of the economic playing field with larger states.
  • New Hampshire ratifies Constitution

    New Hampshire ratifies Constitution
    It voted to established a civil government, and specified the manner and form that government it would have.
  • Land Act to 1800

    Land Act to 1800
    People had opportunity to buy land in the Northwest territory from the federal government. At least 320 acres of land for $2 per acre.