American revolution 2

American Revolution

  • The French and Indian War

    The French and Indian War
    France and Great Britain had reignited a conflict from the late 17th and 18th centuries. Each of the wars had begun in Europe and moved overseas. In 1754 the conflict reignited and became known as the French and Indian War. The French empire continued to expand, and eventually collided with growing British empire. The British won the war with the French.
  • Writ of Assistance

    Writ of Assistance
    A general search warrant which allowed British customs officials to search any ship or building that they believed to be holding smuggled goods. Since many people worked from home, the writs gave them access to search homes or building without evidence of smuggled goods.
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    In September 1759, the war took a dramatic and decisive turn on the Plains of Abraham. The British triumph at Quebec brought them victory in the war. The war ended in 1763 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Britain claimed all of Canada, and most of North America. They also claimed Florida from Spain, which allied itself with France.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Established a proclamation line across the appalachians, which the colonists were not allowed to cross. However the Atlantic colonists wanted were eager to expand westward, crossed the line.
  • Sugar Act and Colonist's Response

    Sugar Act and Colonist's Response
    GB had borrowed so much money during the war that they had nearly doubled their debt, and needed a way to repay that debt. GB implemented the Sugar Act which did 3 things:
    1.) It halved the duty on foreign made molasses, in hopes that the colonists would a lower tax, rather than risk arrest
    2.) Placed duties on certain imports which haven't been taxed before
    3.) Lastly, it stated that any colonist who violated this act would be tried in a court which resided in GB rather than a colonial court.
  • Stamp Act & Colonist's response

    Stamp Act & Colonist's response
    This act placed a tax on printed items such as wills, newspapers, and playing cards. A stamp would be placed on the items to prove that the tax had been paid for. This act was the first one to directly affect the colonists.
  • Sons of Liberty & Samuel Adams

    Sons of Liberty & Samuel Adams
    In May 1765, Boston Laborers, shopkeepers, and artisans created a secret alliance known as the Sons of Liberty. Their goal was to protest the Stamp Act. Meanwhile, colonial assemblies declared that parliament was unable to impose laws that would affect the colonists because they were not represented in parliament. October 1765- Boycott of British goods in Boston, New York and Philadelphia. March 1766- Stamp Act repealed. 1767- Townshend acts passed, imposed tax on British imported goods.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    Asserted the parliament's full rights to bind the colonies and all people of America in any case. (Stated that the British's taxing authority was the same in America as GB)
  • Townshend Acts & why they were repealed

    Townshend Acts & why they were repealed
    The Townshend acts were implimented after the Stamp Act was repealed. They taxed all British imported goods. (Glass, lead, paper, paint). They also placed taxes on tea. The colonists once again boycotted British goods. (Led by Samuel Adams). The acts were repealed because they were simply too expensive to keep active, and they were not producing enough income.
  • John Locke's Social Contract

    Locke maintained that people have the rights to life,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (based on a social contract- an agreement in which people consent to choose and obey a government so long as it safeguards their natural rights.) If the government violates those rights, the people have consent to overthrow the government.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    March 5 1770- mob gathered in front of a British customs house, taunting the guards. Shots were fired, and they killed 5 colonists.
  • Tea Act

    Tea Act
    Implemented to save the financially dying East India Tea Company. Granted the company the right to sell colonists tea without the taxes that colonial companies had to pay. This lead to massive protests.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    A large group of Boston rebels dressed as Native Americans and dumped 18,000 pounds of tea into the Boston Harbor to protest against the Tea Act.
  • The First Continental Congress

    In a response to GB's actions, committees of correspondence assembled the First Continental Congress. 56 delegates met in Philadelphia and made a declaration for colonial rights. (defended the colonies rights to run their own affairs, stated that if GB used force against colonies, the colonies shall fight back).
  • Minutemen

    After the First Continental Congress, colonists in eastern New England towns prepared their military. Minutemen were civilian soldiers who pledged to be ready to fight against GB on a MINUTE'S notice. They would quietly stockpile firearms and gunpowder.
  • Second Continental Congress

    Met in Philadelphia, debated next move. Divided loyalties sparked debates at the congress. Some called for independence, others argued for reconciliation (restoration of friendly relations) with GB. Continental Army- George Washington (commander)
  • Continental Army

    Made during the second continental congress, appointed George Washington as a commander.
  • Loyalists & Patriots

    Loyalists- Those who opposed freedom (loyal to GB) Judges, governors, people of modern means Patriots- Supporters of independence. Got their numbers from the many people who saw success in independent America. Many Americans remained neutral
  • Battle of Concord

    night of April 18- Paul Revere, William Daves, Samuel Prescott rode to warn that 700 British soldiers were riding towards concord. First battle of Revolutionary war, lasted only 15 mins. Small skirmish with minutemen, the British soldiers marched on, only to find that 3,000-4,000 more minutemen had arrived. DEFEAT FOR GB
  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Cooped up in Boston, British general Thomas Gage decided to strike at the militiamen on Breed's Hill. On June 17, 1775 Gage sent 2,400 soldiers up the hill. Colonists held on the fire until the last minute, before retreating. Colonists: -450 men
    GB: -1,000 men
    Deadliest battle of the war
  • Battle of Lexington

    The first battle of the Revolutionary War. It lasted only 15 minutes. The British marched to Concord, and found only an empty arsenal. After a brief skirmish with Minutemen, the British lined up to march back to Boston, but the march quickly became a slaughter. Anywhere between 3,000-4,000 minutemen had assembled by now. They fired upon the British Soldiers. DEFEAT FOR GB
  • Olive Branch Petition

    July- Congress readying colonies for war, but hoping for peace.
    July 8- Congress sent the king the so called "Olive Branch Petition" urging the King (King George III) To return to former harmony between GB and the colonies.
  • Publication of Common Sense

    A 50-paged pamphlet written by Thomas Paine. In the pamphlet, Thomas Paine attacked King George and the monarchy. The responsibility for British tyranny lay with "the royal brute of Britain." Paine explained that his own revolt had begun with Lexington and Concord. He declared that independence would allow America to trade freely. Independence would allow the chance for a better society. In 1776 George Washington wrote, "I find Common Sense is working a powerful change in the minds of many men."
  • Declaration of Independence

    Author: Thomas Jefferson Summary: "Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness" "Unalienable rights" He asserted that a government's legitimate power can only come from the consent of the people. Contains long list of all violations of rights by GB. July 2, 1776- delegates voted unanimously to adopt the declaration. July 4, 1776- Declaration of Independence adopted, colonies are free
  • Washington Crosses the Delaware into Pennsylvania

    On Christmas night, Washington risked everything to storm the American capital in Pennsylvania. He led 2,400 soldiers into the capitol, and they won. The element of surprise helped contribute to their victory.
  • Saratoga

    John Burgoyne's plan- lead an army down a route of lakes from Albany to Canada, where he could meet British troops as they came from NY. He planned to meet up with another regiment of soldiers, but they got held up. Burgoyne's army got picked off easily by the British soldiers. They surrendered at Saratoga.
  • French-American alliance

    After GB's surrender at Saratoga, France believed that America could win the war. They signed an alliance with America.
  • Valley Forge

    After the positive turn of events, Washington and his army fought to stay alive in their camp at Valley Forge. More than 2,000 men died, and smallpox ran rampant.
  • Friedrich von Steuben & Marquis de Lafayette

    Friedrich- Prussian General, helped train the continental army at Valley Forge. Marquis- Called for French reinforcements, and led a command in Virginia.
  • British Victories in the South

    After their defeat in Saratoga, GB moved south, taking Savannah Georgia(1778), and Charles Town South Carolina. (1780)
  • British Surrender at Yorktown

    Shortly after learning of Corwallis’s actions, the armies of Lafayette and Washington moved south toward Yorktown. Meanwhile, a French naval force defeated a British fleet and then blocked the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay, thereby obstructing British sea routes to the bay. By late September, about 17,000 French and American troops surrounded the British on the Yorktown peninsula and began bombarding them day and night. Less than a month later, Cornwallis surrendered
  • Treaty of Paris

    Peace talks began in Paris in 1782. The American negotiating team includ- ed John Adams, John Jay of New York, and Benjamin Franklin. In September 1783, the delegates signed the Treaty of Paris, which confirmed U.S. inde- pendence and set the boundaries of the new nation. The United States now stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from Canada to the Florida border.
  • 3 Facts

    1.) 2,165,076 British colonists lived in North America during the war.
    2.) 96,000 troops served in the American army.
    3.) Up to 25,000 freed blacks and slaves fought on both sides.