Colonial american flag

Causes of the American Revolution

By khayes
  • Treaty of Paris Signed

    Treaty of Paris Signed
    Treaty Of Paris The Seven Years war, or the French and Indian war, ended officially with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on Februray 10th, 1763. Unfortunately, England had lost much money in the war and was determined to get it back. Their solution? Tax the colonies, even though they fought in the war and therefore did not expect to be taxed. This caused great uprest in the colonies.
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  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    Sugar Act With the Sugar and Molasses act expiring, Great Britian decided to pass a new act. Though lowering the tax, this act taxed even more foreign goods. Soldiers enforced the tax law more strictly, leaving the colonies to either trade with Britian, or to pay the tax. This control of trade is called Merchantism.
  • The Currency Act

    The Currency Act Being so far from Britian without many resources to make money with, there was a great shortage of British money in the colonies. The colonists saw no other option but to make paper money. The British, however, did not like this due to the changes in how much the bills are worth. So, they made an act abolishing the paper money. The colonists were outraged, as this only worsened the money shortage.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Stamp Act The Stamp Act was a direct taxation on the American Colonies, ordering them to pay taxes for every piece of paper they used. However, it was not the cost that angered the Colonists, but that Britian were directly taxing them without any consent from their legislature.
  • Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act The Quartering Act was an indirect taxation of the colonies. The Act ordered Colonists to provide shelter, food, and transportation to British soldiers. The British claimed to be protecting them from the French, even though they did not see the French as a threat. They did not want to pay for soldiers they did not want or need in the first place.
  • The Declaratory Act

    Parliament "had, hath, and of right ought to have, full power and authority to make laws and statutes of sufficient force and validity to bind the colonies and people of America ... in all cases whatsoever" The Stamp Act was repealed, but not without this document. This Act claimed that Britian did in fact have a right to control America and that all British laws should apply to Americans, despite them not getting representation.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    Boston Massacre This event began when a group of about 50 poeple attacked a troop of British soldiers in Boston, protesting the soldiers' presence. Reinforcements were called in, but they were attacked as well, so the soidiers, seemingly without orders, opened fire on the crowd. Three died, eight were injured, and two of those injured later died from their injuries. This event lead to the British forces leaving Boston.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    Boston Tea Party
    Britian lowered the tax on tea being shipped from the East India Company, so that the tea was very cheap. But if the colonists agreed to pay the taxes, they would be allowing Britian to tax them without consent The colonies blocked off the bays so that no ships could dock, but three ships managed to in Boston. So, 200 men dressed as Indians dumped the tea into the water. This increased the want for independence.
  • The Administration of Justice Act

    Administration of Justice Act In order to keep Massachusetts under control after the Boston Tea Party, Parliament created this act to loosen the penalties for British soldiers that killed Colonists. The current governer, Thomas Gage, a general in the Bristish forces assigned to Mass., was given the power to send soldiers accused of killing while on duty to trial in another Colony or to Britian.
  • Paul Revere's Ride

    Paul Revere's Ride
    Paul Revere On this day, Paul Revere and William Dawes awaited a signal from a steeple. One lantern meant that the British were coming by land, and two meant by sea. They saw two, so they took off on horseback to warn everyone that the British were coming.
  • Common Sense

    Common Sense
    Common Sense by Thomas Paine In this little pamflet, Thomas Paine, the author, argued that Europe, not Britian, was where the colonists hailed from. They escaped Europe only to face more problems as Britians. This united many colonists and polititians under the idea of independence.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    Declaration of Independence The Declaration of Independence finally called for separation of America from Britian. It was a legal document listing why they needed the separation. Among these reasons was a list of crimes from the king. They also wanted to get support from other countries that were enemies of the British.