Causes of the American Revolution

By pjiang
  • Parliament passed the Sugar Act

    James Otis said" Taxation without representation is tyranny".
  • Parliament passed the Stamp Act.

    The Coloniest protested. The Colonist organized the Stamp Act Congress in New York City.Colonist boycotted the British goods.
  • Parliament passed the Quartering Act.

    The Colonists were mad about the taxes parliament
  • Parliament repealed the Stamp Act.

  • British passed the new taxes with Townshend Acts.

    The Colonist protested again and it created Boston massacre.
  • There was a Boston Massacre

    5 colonists were killed.
  • The British repealed the Townshend Act.

  • Boston Tea Party

    They broke open the tea chests and threw them overboard.
  • British pased the Coersive Act.

    The Colonist called them" Intolerable Act". British banned the committees off correspondence.
  • Revolutionary War began.

  • First Continental Congress

    All of the colonists met except for the Georgia. They stated to train their militias.