Causes of the American Resolution

By lee.max
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    The Stamp Act had been passed requiring the first direct tax on the colonies. It was to refresh their finances from the pasted wars with the French. In fact they would not pay tax to the American's but to the British. The stamp would usually be on items like newspaper, bills, pamphlets, license, legal documents, almanacs, and playing cards. In response to the Stamp Act the people in the colonies would come together and protest against the Stamp Act.
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    The Proclamation was signed by King George III. The proclamation stated that no English settlers were able to live off of the west point of the Appalachian mountains; because King George III signed off on giving it to the Native Americans as a peace offering. The English settlers had gotten very upset that they had fought for that land just for it to be handed off.
  • Sugar Act

    Sugar Act
    The Sugar Act was passed by Parliament in order to pay for the war dept they owed for the French and Indian War. They had to pay for the expenses to run the colonies. The act had risen the jobs on imported sugar; along with other items like, indigo(dye), coffee, wine, and textiles.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    During the Quartering Act, settlers would have to house British soldiers. The settlers were unable to say no otherwise they would get locked up since they would have been outnumbered. The soldiers would take the bed and the colonist would have to take care of them. thought the colonist did not agree with this due to the fact they were still being taxed.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    There were British soldiers standing in position when a mod started to get physical and violent. Due to the assault the solders began to fire at the mob. Killing three, inuring six, and mortally hurting two. Though it was not really a massacre, people were writing about it, the news would quickly spread. On the mob side people were writing about how the soldiers were killing and hurting innocent people, while the soldiers side was saying they were just doing their job and it was self defense.
  • Boston Tea Party

    Boston Tea Party
    It started when a group of young men ("Sons of Liberty") had gone to the Boston Harbor. They dressed as a group of Indians and boarded three ships owned by the British. When boarded they dumped forty-five tons of tea into the Harbor. The peoples response was colonists who did not agree with how tea was being taxed by another would was not their representative.
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    The Boston Port Act was the closing of the Boston port, as well as demanding the residents of the city pay them money. The residents wanted them to pay for the $1 million dollars of tea they spilled into the Harbor. The affect was since they closed the port, they were unable to have delivered hay sent to give to their starving horses.
  • Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act

    Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act
    This Act was acted by Parliament, restricting any meetings. The act was abrogated in 1691. They gave the governor a lot of power.
  • Imperial Administration of Justice Act

    Imperial Administration of Justice Act
    This Act was passed the same day the Massachusetts Bay Regulating Act was passed. This was also called the "Murder Act". This was the day they decided to charge the British officials with capital offences.
  • Quebec Act

    Quebec Act
    The Quebec Act was what allowed the French Catholics to get decent working jobs. It gave the French more law, as well as including the Catholic church. Though the colonist feared that Parliament made official that Quebec's religion of being Catholic, which was what some were trying to get away from.