
Causes of the American Revolution

  • The American Revolution

    The American Revolution
    The American Revolution was started in the year 1775 as an open conflict between The Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain.
    The Revolutionary War ended in the year 1783 by the Treat of Paris.
    After the Revolutionary War ended, the Colonists have won their Independence and their Freedom.
    One of the reasons and causes of this American Revolution,
    it was because the Thirteen Colonies wanted their own freedom and their own independence.
  • Causes of the American Revolution

    Causes of the American Revolution
    Attitude of Americans:
    The Americans were enjoying their Freedom more than they had in Europe. America became a better place to live.
    *Attitude of British:

    The British Believed that the American colonies and colonists were
    good to serve their mother country as a mistress.
    *Remove of French Danger:
    By the Treat of Paris, the French influence that the Northern and Western Americas were eliminated.
    The Americans were constantly grip and involved in wars fought by The English.
  • The Stamp Act

    The Stamp Act
    The Stamp act was passed in the year 1765 to raise revenue from documents(newspaper, almanacs, licenses, deeds, bonds, and leases).
    The Stamp Act was meant to yield a revenue of 100,000 pounds a year which it would be 1/3 collected from The Thirteen Colonies.
  • Polices of Grenville

    The War with France left a heavy financial burden on the British.
    The British wanted the colonists to help them paying huge debts
    incurred them by defending the colonies. To save up the necessary money to end the Thirteen Colonies Independence and Freedom.
  • The Quartering Act

    The Quartering Act
    The Quartering Act was provided of quartering the British troops in the colonies who were provided with accommodation by the colonies in case the barracks available.
    The law also required the colonies to supply the troops with certain provisions.
    The colonies suspected that the army was meant to enforce The Stamp Act.
  • Sons of Liberty

    Sons of Liberty
    A political organization known as "Sons of Liberty" prevented people from using stamps. They marched on streets, shouting 'Liberty, Property, and no Stamps!'
    Some statesmen of England sympathized and sided with the American Colonists.
    This expression of statesmen was the manifestation of the quarrel between Whigs and Tories in England.
  • The Colonial Protest

    The Colonial Protest
    The Stamp Act resulted in stormy protests from the colonies.
    Many colonists felt that taxation revenue threaten the world of colonial self-government.
    Merchants, Lawyers, Ministers, Legislatures, and Editors, all joined hands and expressed strong opposition to this Act. In Virginia, a set of resolutions were passed again the Act.
  • Measures taken by Lord North

    In January from the year 1770, Lord North became a Prime Minister of England to reconcile the colonists.
    But at the same time, he believed that complete retreat would show the colonists weakness.
    Therefore, he went for partial duties imposed during the Townshed's tenure.
    During the next two years there was comparative lull.
  • Declaratory Act

    Declaratory Act
    Almost at the same time, the British Parliament passed another Act
    known as the Declaratory Act.
    The objective of the Declaratory Act was to assert that the King and Parliament should have full power and authority to make laws and make rules on the Thirteen Colonies.
    The Colonists noticed of the Act but they didn't care as long as it was not enforced.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The British troops were sent to Boston to uphold the authority of the Board of Custom Commissioners in the year 1768.
    On March 2nd from the year 1770, some of the Boston people provoked an altercation with soldiers on guard developed in the battle on March 4, 1770.