CAP L08197125600 /L08960119000

By JCrios
  • PSW approved

    PSW approved for the cap 1256
  • First samples received (PO#3629491)

    Order received for samples received for a total of 500 pcs.
  • First PO placed for production

    PO# 3630608 created for 1.2M pcs
  • First lot for production received

    ASM received the first order of 400k for production, PO 3630608 (Total qty of PO 1.2M)
  • Second PO created (PO# 3631149)

    PO created for requesting more pcs. as current demand of Luk Puebla + Luk Wooster were increasing.
  • Thirds PO created (PO#3631508)

    PO created for 2.6M for being delivered in Q3 and Q4.