Burn for Burn

By csysk
  • Event 1

    Mary, Kat, and Lillia all prepare for the coming school year, unaware of how involved they'll soon be in each others lives.
  • Event 2

    On the first day of school Kat spits in Lillia's best friend Rennie's face.
  • Event 3

    Lillia finds out her little sister Nadia spent the night with her close friend Alex.
  • Event 4

    Mary, Kat, and Lillia meet up and Kat propses her idea of getting revenge on Reeve, Rennie, and Alex.
  • Event 5

    Lillia and Rennie go to a party. Lillia drinks too much and gets raped.
  • Event 6

    For the beginning of their revenge scheme, Mary, Kat, and Lillia search Alex's car and steal his precious notebook. While running away Lillia impulsively smashes Alex's back windshield.
  • Event 7

    Continuing on with their revenge, Lillia replaces Alex's sunsreen with Retin-a, causing his skin to be peeling,red, and cracked.
  • Event 8

    Kat sets off the fire alarm so she can throw copies of one of Alex's poem everywhere around the school. Lillia realizes when reading it, that the poem was written about her, freshman year.
  • Event 9

    Cheering at a football game, Rennie attempts to climb to the top of a human pyramid, but stumbles and falls. Mary thinks that maybe she willed this to happen.
  • Event 10

    At the football game, Alex Lind's name gets called as Alex Limp, becasue of a quick swith that Lillia made.
  • Event 11

    Reeve starts to laugh at Alex for this silly name mistake. Alex, lunges at him and starts a fist fight in response.
  • Event 12

    Done with revenge on Alex, the girls start on Rennie. Kat shoves her stiletto into one of Rennie's tires, leaving a dreadful suprise for her at the end of the day.
  • Event 13

    Rennie breaks the news to Lillia that they aren't going to homecoming in a big group. Rennie is going with Reeve, Ashlin is going with Derek, PJ is going with Alec, which leaves Lillia to go with Alex. A thought that is to much for Lillia to handle.
  • Event 13

    When Mary, Kat, and Lillia get together one night, Kat and Lillia finally learn why Mary wants so badly to get revenge on Reeve. Reeve was so absolutely horrible to her, that she attempted suicide.
  • Event 14

    Alex has a heart to heart with Lillia and Lillia finds out that all of the revenge on Alex was unnecessary. The story with her little sister and Alex was all one big misunderstanding.
  • Event 15

    Lillia distracts her cheerleading coach, Coach Christy, so that Mary and Kat can sneak into her office and change the homecoming queen ballots and make sure Ashlin wins instead of Rennie. Rennie's ultimate revenge.
  • Event 16

    Coach Christy wasn't distracted long enough, so Lillia pretends to faint, giving Kat and Mary more time to get out of her office.
  • Event 17

    Jar Island wins their homecoming game 38 to 3.
  • Event 18

    Lillia gives Reeve a drink at the homecoming dance with liquid ecstacy in it. Reeve's ultimate revenge.
  • Event 19

    When homecoming queen is announced, it's not Ashlin like the girls planned, it's Lillia.
  • Event 20

    At the homecoming dance, Mary feels all of this electricity building up inside of her. All of a sudden, there is a spark. Everything in the room shatters and there is a massive power outage. The school is forced to evacuate.
  • Event 21

    Between the ecstacy and the situation at the dance, Reeve has a seizure.
  • Event 22

    Mary, Kat, and Lillia meet up after the dance. Mary keeps saying that it's all her fault, but can't calm herself down enough to explain. At this point in time, the book ends, because it was created to be trilogy.