Building the Transcontinental Railroad

  • Period: to

    The Transcontinental Railroad

    time line
  • Pacitic Railroad Act

    Pacitic Railroad Act
    President Lincoln signs the Pacific Railroad Act.
  • First Move

    First Move
    The fisrt load of dirt was shoveled by California governor Leland Stanford.
  • Pacific Railroad Bill

    Pacific Railroad Bill
    Durant Succesfully gets congress to admend the Pacific Railroad Bill. The changes led to more land and natural resouces, and gets rid of limitations on stock.
  • 100

    The Railroad meets the 100 mile mark.
  • Strike

    The Chinese workers go on strike and demand better working contditons.
  • Central Pacific Blast

    Central Pacific Blast
    Workers complet the most arduous of their tasks, when the blast through Summit Tunnel.
  • First Passenger Train

    First Passenger Train
    The first passenger train crosses the Sierra Nevadas
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Chinese Exclusion Act
    The Chinese Exclusion Act becomes a federal law. This banned Chinese imigration.