Bubble Gum

By 108638
  • 100

    Prehistoric men and women chewed tree sap.

    Prehistoric men and women chewed tree sap.
  • First modern gum breakthrough happened when Thomas Adams, originally trying to invent car tires, made gum out of chicle

    First modern gum breakthrough happened when Thomas Adams, originally trying to invent car tires, made gum out of chicle
  • The gum buisness was booming.Dentyne was invented, promissing to help dental hygine

    The gum buisness was booming.Dentyne was invented, promissing to help dental hygine
  • Chiclets were invented when chicle gum was coated in candy

    Chiclets were invented when chicle gum was coated in candy
  • Blibber-blubber the first bubble gum was invented, but never sold because it was so sticky that if it got on your skin it would never come off.

    Blibber-blubber the first bubble gum was invented, but never sold because it was so sticky that if it got on your skin it would never come off.
  • Walter Diemer invented Double Bubble, accidently, well experimenting withy gum. Double Bubble sold out fast.

    Walter Diemer invented Double Bubble, accidently, well experimenting withy gum. Double Bubble sold out fast.