Bubble Gum

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     Prehistoric men and women chewed tree resin( a sticky substance that oozes out of trees)

  • A New Yorker named Thomas Adams experimented with chicle, he created tires by combining rubber and chicle

    A New Yorker named Thomas Adams experimented with chicle, he created tires by combining rubber and chicle
  •  The gum business was getting popular, in the late 1800’s Dentyne came out promising to help peoples dental hygiene with that gum

    	The gum business was getting popular, in the late 1800’s Dentyne came out promising to help peoples dental hygiene with that gum
  • Chiclets were made

    Chiclets were made
  • The first bubble gum brand evermade was Blibber-Blubber in 1906

  • Double Bubble was made by Walter Diemer by accident

    Double Bubble was made by Walter Diemer by accident