British imposed acts

By tvmm
  • Proclamation of 1763

    Proclamation of 1763
    Purpose: To limit the westward expansion past the Appalachian mountains to limit violence with Native Americans
    Colonists' Reaction: They were upset because some had already moved into the land and had just fought to gain it. Many ignored the proclamation and still settled.
    British Reaction: After much opposition and attempts to stop it, the British moved back the line.
  • The Sugar Act

    The Sugar Act
    Purpose: Act taxing the colonists on many sugar and molasses products.
    Colonists' Reaction: The colonial economy was disrupted and led to protests. People wanted representation for taxation.
    British Reaction: They used heavy enforcement, especially on ships and cargo.
  • Stamp Act

    Stamp Act
    Purpose: Colonists were required to pay for a stamp on basically all paper products.
    Colonists' Reaction: They were angered so many refused to pay, others protested, and some argued that Parliament had no right.
    British Reaction: Parliament tried to impose the act by force but ultimately repealed it a year later.
  • Quartering Act

    Quartering Act
    Purpose: The British passed the act requiring colonists to house soldiers.
    Colonists' Reaction: They did not want soldiers in their town in the first place so they mostly refused.
    British Reaction: They passed the New York Restraining Act forcing them to comply or else the New York Governor would not be allowed to sign any further legislation.
  • Boston Port Act

    Boston Port Act
    Purpose: Parliament closed the Boston Port and demanded money for the cost of damage don in the Boston Tea Party.
    Colonists' Reaction: All the colonies united against Britain and supported Boston.
    British Reaction: They had misjudged the colonists but still tired to enforce the act by sending soldiers and naval ships.