Bre Diamond chpater 24 timeline

  • • The Japanese Army invades Manchuria – [“Manchurian Incident”].

    •	The Japanese Army invades Manchuria – [“Manchurian Incident”].
    When Japnesetroops claimed that Chinese soldiers had tried to blow up a railway line, they took matters in their own hands by capturing several southern Manchurian cities and continued to take over the country even after Chinese troops had withdrown.
  • • Mussolini (Italy) conquers Ethiopia

    •	Mussolini (Italy) conquers Ethiopia
    The Neutrality Acts encouraged aggression, Italy had conquered Ethiopia.
  • • Britain’s Neville Chamberlain and Hitler meet at the Munich Conference

    •	Britain’s Neville Chamberlain and Hitler meet at the Munich Conference
    Hitler and Chamberlain metto sign the gareement
  • • General Francisco Franco’s Nationalist forces take control of Madrid

    •	General Francisco Franco’s Nationalist forces take control of Madrid
    Nationalist army finally took the Spanish capital of Madrid and ended the civil war. Franco kept firm control of the government after the war and ruled Spain until his death in 1975.
  • • Hitler (Germany) invades Poland, beginning WWII.

    •	Hitler (Germany) invades Poland, beginning WWII.
    Hitler and his Natizes invaded poland known as the Blitz crege.
  • Period: to

    Bre Diamond chapter 24 timeline