Brazilian Alcohol laws and their effects on society

  • Non-alcohol law

    The usage of alcoholic beverage is not permitted by minors. comment: It lessened the rate of premature alcoholics, as well as premature diseases caused by alcohol.
  • Lei seca

    The Seca law prohibits the usage of alcohol by drivers. The penaulty of it is traffic ticket, license suspension, and even detention. The first version of this law let 0.1mg of alcolhol measured in the breathlyzer or 0.2 in the blood.
    penalization was of R$: 957,70.
    Comment: The impact it may have had on society is that the rate of alcohol related car acccidents must have lowered. source
  • Anti-alcohol law

    Prohibits the selling of alcohol for children or adolescents, if not accomplished the stablishment owners need to pay or their stablishment will be interdited.
    Comment: This law also helped to lessen the rate of alcohol consumd by minors as the bottles being sold to minors under the pretext of being for their parents does not guarantee that the minors will not have consume it.
  • Lei seca – Tolerância zero

    The driver cannot have any quantity of alcohol in their veins. But, as some medicines have alcohol, in a breathlyzer it is permitted 0.5 mg, meaning that a bit of beer would be detected and the driver would pay a fee,
    penalization is of R$: 1.915,40. source