Braille glove

Braille Glove by Grace Choi

  • Braille glove created

    Braille glove created
    The braille glove was created by Ryan Patterson in the year 2002 after seeing a deaf woman having difficulty odering at a Burger King. He had the idea to help others like her, and by using an old golf glove, he created one of the best inventions yet. Disclaimer: it doesn't acually read braille, it helps the deaf communicate like braille helps the blind.
  • Mobile Lorm Glove

    Mobile Lorm Glove
    "The Mobile Lorm Glove is a mobile communication and translation device for deafblind persons. The glove translates the hand-touch alphabet “Lorm”, a common form of communication used by people with both hearing and sight impairment, into text and vice versa."