Boost Drew Meyers

  • Exposition Background 2

    Savvy Christaphor is trying out for the u18 basketball team
  • Exposition Setting1

    It takes place in a town
  • Exposition Characters 3

    Savvy Christaphor moved and has a grate talent of playing basketball. Nina Gonzalez is very good at basketball and is Savvys friend.
  • Rising Action conflict

    savvy had a talk with her coach and he said that she was not playing as well so she thinks about takeing stareroids to become stronger to get her BOOST.
  • Rising action 2

    Savvy wants to step up her game because she is playing up in the u18 leauge
  • Rising action 3

    savvy is second string and she wants to be first string she wants to prove the other kids wrong
  • Rising action 4

    She barly makes the team and wants to have a good spot on the team.
  • Climax Turning point

    savvy cheats by using starroids
  • Rising action 5

    Savvy wants to be the stare and be the best player on the team and savvy wants pepole to look up to her
  • Falling action 2

    she says that she did not take the starroids
  • falling action 3

    savvy uses them witch is ilegal to use in sports so it builds up her strength for the games.
  • falling action 4

    she plays with staroids in a game
  • resolution 1

    she admits that she took starroids
  • resalution 2

    everything is beter sens she told the truth