Bivesh Chand

  • Joined nasa

    Joined nasa
    I earn $120,000 per year
  • Bought a brand new Jaguar

    Bought a brand new Jaguar
    spent $65,000 buying a new car
  • Trip to Srilanka

    Trip to Srilanka
  • Won Noble prize for visiting a new galaxy

    Won Noble prize for visiting a new galaxy
  • got married

    got married
    spent $50,000 for marriage
  • School

    started a science school for people who are intrested in science.
    spent $45,000 to build the school. gained $85,000 per month
  • moving to new home

    moving to new home
    Spent $220,000
  • bought a dslr camera

    bought a dslr camera
    costed $600