Biotechnology Timeline

  • First Vaccine

    First Vaccine
    Created by Edward Jenner for the smallpox disease. The vaccine derived from the weaker version of the disease, cowpox.
  • First Public Vaccination Campaign

    First Public Vaccination Campaign
    Smallpox produced the death of up to thirty percent of those infected, so Jenner's preventive method spread quickly. The Spanish government designed and supported a ten-year effort to carry smallpox vaccine to its American and Asian territories in a chain of arm-to-arm vaccination of children. An expedition directed by Doctor Francisco Xavier de Balmis sailed from Corunna in November 1803, stopping in the Canary Islands, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. Balmis led a subexpedition to Cuba, Mexico, and
  • Discovery of Genetic Inheritance Patterns

    Discovery of Genetic Inheritance Patterns
    Gregor Medel discovers genetic inheritance patterns through his study with peas.
  • First Antibiotic

    First Antibiotic
    Discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928, although mass production of it did not start until the 1940's.
  • First Food Sterelization

    French patent issued for the irradiation of food as a method by which to preserve foods and delay spoilage.
  • Avery's Experiment

    Avery's Experiment
    Oswald Avery and his collegues conducted an experiment in which they injected a mouse with a dead virulen t strand and a nonvirulent strand of the same virus in the same mouse to see whether the mouse would live or die. The mouse died and that DNA wasn't just proteins but a hereditary material. Also known as the McLeod's Experiment.
  • McLeod's Experiment

    McLeod's Experiment
    Colin MacLeod and his collegues conducted an experiment in which they injected a mouse with a dead virulen t strand and a nonvirulent strand of the same virus in the same mouse to see whether the mouse would live or die. The mouse died and that DNA wasn't just proteins but a hereditary material. Also known as the Avery's Experiment.
  • Hershey-Chase Experiment

    Hershey-Chase Experiment
    An experiment conducted by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase that proved that DNA was a genetic material. They had replaced the virus' DNA in the head with radioactive DNA and let the virus infect a cell, observing the cell to see the radioactive DNA was indeed in the newly infected cell.
  • Discovery of DNA Structure

    Discovery of DNA Structure
    James Watson and Francis Crick publish a short article revealing their discovery and finding of the DNA structure.
  • First Cloned Organism

    First Cloned Organism
    Tong Dizhou cloned a fish by inserting DNA from a male carp into the egg of a female carp. There is dispute over if the carp or the tadpole was the first to be cloned; however, the results from the tadpole clone couldn't be produced again so some dub Tong Dizhou as the first to clone an organism.
  • Discovery of Proteins

    Discovery of Proteins
    Khorana and Nirenberg discovered the 64 codons (the triplet code of 3 bases in DNA) that code for the 20 amino acids making up proteins.
  • Discovery of Enzymes

    Discovery of Enzymes
    Hamilton Smith and Kent Wilcox isolated the first restriction enzyme, HindII, that could cut DNA molecules within specific recognition sites
  • First Recombinant Organism

    First Recombinant Organism
    Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer created the first recombinant DNA organism using recombinant DNA techniques pioneered a year earlier by Paul Berg. Cohen and Boyer removed plasmids, small rings of DNA located in a cell's cytoplasm, not the nucleus, from a cell. Then they used restriction enzymes to cut the DNA at precise locations and then recombined the DNA strands in the special configurations that they desired. Finally, Cohen and Boyer inserted the spliced DNA into E. Coli bacteria cells whic
  • First Gene Sequenced

    First Gene Sequenced
    Sanger and Gilbert found a way to sequence DNA. Given an unknown piece of DNA, they were able to read the correct order of bases of adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine.
  • Insulin

    Insulin was first produced in 1978 by Genentech In Ecoli bacteria. Insulin was created by two articifial genes for the two proteins that comprise an insulin molecule.
  • First Transgenic Animal

    First Transgenic Animal
    Scientist implanted foreign genes into a fertalized egg which they then transfered to a surrogate mother. The genes were documents by their functuality and further proved when the offspring where breed and passed onto their own offspring.
  • PCR Technique Concieved

    PCR Technique Concieved
    Developed by Kary Millis, this technique was created to amplify a piece of DNA in order to make a particular DNA strand. This technique is indispensable to the medical and biological research fields.
  • Human Genome Project

    Human Genome Project
    A project that was intend to map out the entire human genome in order to understand the genes within the body and how they're effected by viruses and cancer. The project was successfully completed in 2003, two years ahead of schedule and under budget.
  • First GM Crop Sold

    First GM Crop Sold
    The tomatos that were genetically modified so that they would ripen but not soften. They were proven to be a financial disaster and they where taken off of the market.
  • Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Established

    Human Embryonic Stem Cell Line Established
    James Thomas and coworkers of the University of Wisconsin derived the first human stem cell line. These pluripotent cells turned out to be able to turn into any type of cell in the body.