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Biografhy of Maria

  • When was she born?

    When was she born?
    She was born on september 14, 2003, in Medellin, Colombia.
  • When was she began study?

    When was she began study?
    She began preschool at age 5, at Simona Duque school.
  • She began primary education

    She began primary education
    At the age of 6, she started primary school at Simona Duque school.
  • She had a brother

    She had a brother
    His brother was born on April 26, 2011.
  • She started high school

    She started high school
    At the age of 11, she started sixth grade in the Lorenza Villegas de Santos.
  • His parents divorced

    His parents divorced
    On may 15, 2015, her parents separated for various reasons.
  • Adopted a dog

    Adopted a dog
    On his birthday she was given a dog.
  • When was she graduate?

    When was she graduate?
    She graduated on November 20, 2019, at the age of 16 in the Lorenza Villegas de Santos.
  • She entered university

    She entered university
    At the age of 17 she entered the university of Antioquia.
  • What career did she study?

    What career did she study?
    She began to study medicine
  • She got his first job

    She got his first job
    She started working at her mom´s bakery.
  • What happened to your dog?

    What happened to your dog?
    His dog was run over on july 26, 2020.