Big History Time line

By b34127
  • 1479

    King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella-

    King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella-
    Cause: Royalty usually supported adventurers who were looking for something new to gain. King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella supported Columbus in exchange for a share of the riches the acquires.
    Effect: The financial aid that they gave to Columbus allowed him to set towards “Asia” and stumble upon the Americas. If it was not for them, history would have gone in a totally different direction.
  • 1492


    Tobacco, brought from the Americas to the Old World in 1492 when Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas. Tobacco became great value for Europeans as it became a cash crop being cultivated for sale as opposed to personal consumption.
  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Cause: The initial goal of Christopher Columbus's voyage was to sail west until he reached the continent of Asia (the Indies). Through the lack of information about the world, he stumbled upon the Americas. His reason behind the voyage was to find a direct route from Europe to Asia and to attain new riches in the process.
    Effect: The discovery of the Americans allowed the Old and New World to be connected thus creating new trade and exchange between two different locations.
  • 1493


    The Europeans brought horses from the Old World to the New World. This allowed many Native Americans to abandon agriculture and switch over to a nomadic lifestyle.
  • 1539


    When Hernando de Soto arrived in Florida in 1539, he brought 13 pigs, and by the time of his death there were 700. WHich then later cause there too be 700 pigs
  • measles

    Measles was a disease that spread from the Old World to the New World. Measles is a contagious infection that is caused by a virus. People who have this disease experience flu like symptoms, and this disease has no treatment. Native Americans were never exposed to Measles before, which is why it spread so easily and terribly amongst them.
  • Smallpox

    Smallpox was a disease brought from the Old World to the New World. Europeans were not as susceptible to this disease, as it was a disease most children obtained. Smallpox wiped out a massive portion of the Native American population, due to their sudden introduction to the disease and weak immune systems.
  • Potatoes

    brought from the Americas to the Old World
    -Potatoes were introduced to the Old World in 1792
    -Potatoes eventually became an important staple in much of Europe, contributing to about 25% of the population growth in Afro-Eurasia between 1700 and 1900.