Between the wars

  • Hungarian Romanian War

    Hungarian Romanian War
    The war was fought between the first Hungarian Republic and the kingdom of Romania. The cause of this was when the union of Transylvania with Romania was proclaimed.
  • Spanish flu brought to Australia

    Spanish flu brought to Australia
    It was believed that the flu was brought to Australia by soldiers returning from world war l. The flu killed 11,500 Australians between 1919 and 1920 and infected 500 million worldwide.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the most significant of the peace treaties, which brought WWl to an end. Germany involuntarily signed the treaty. The treaty enforced restrictions on Germany to reduce future capacity to make war against its neighbors.
  • The League of Nations founded

    The League of Nations founded
    The League of Nations was established to ensure that war would never break out again. Britain, France, Italy and Japan were the permanent members of the council of the League of Nations. The League was not accomplishing anything and was attacked by all the countries. The League of Nations failed, as WW2 broke out.
  • Russian Famine

    Russian Famine
    The Russian Famine was one of the worst human disasters in the 20th century, killing an estimated five million. Russia was used to having inadequate food sources as the agricultural productivity was very low.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was the worst financial drop in history. It began after the stock market crash, which dismissed millions of investors. Despite the Great Depression being commenced in the United States, it caused problems in almost every country.
  • The Emu War

    The Emu War
    The emu war was fought between humans and emus and was an attempt to restrain the amount of emus running around and damaging crops in Western Australia, ruining farmers livelihood. The war did not succeed in taking down emus and was known as the war where humans were defeated.
  • Hitler is elected chancellor

    Hitler is elected chancellor
    Adolf Hitler was elected chancellor in Germany by Paul Von Hindenburg. His plan was to make Germany a powerful unified one party state. Nazi Germany was controlling the country, for example demolishing any party that arose. There was nothing anyone could do about it to stop it.
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    The Holocaust was the arranged persecution and murder of 6 million jews by the Nazi regime. The Nazis (Adolf Hitler) thought that the Jews were an inferior race and an alien threat to Germany.
  • Nuremberg Racial Laws

    Nuremberg Racial Laws
    The Nazis announced the Nuremberg Racial Laws at the annual party ally. The laws excluded German Jews from Reich citizenship and banned them from having relationships and sexual relations with anyone with german related blood.