Between the wars

  • Period: to

    Between the Wars

    This timeline is based on events that happened between World Wars 1 and 2.
  • World War 1

    World War 1
    World War One Concluded.
  • The Nazi Party was founded

    The Nazi Party was founded
    Commonly known as the Nazi party but they are actually called The National Socialist German Workers' Party were founded in 1920 due to Hitler.
  • Wall Street Crash

    Wall Street Crash
    The Wall Street crash was a major crash in the Wall Street Stock Exchange. It wiped out billions of dollars and thousands of investors. This event lead to The Great Depression.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was the biggest thing thing to happen in history if the industrial world. It last 10 years, reaching its lowest point in 1933.
  • Holodomor

    Holodomor was the famine - genocide of ukraine. Holodomor reached its worst in 1933 with over 28,000 men, women and children dying of starvation everyday.
  • Hitler rules Germany

    Hitler rules Germany
    Serving from 1933 till 1945 Hitler was the legal official of Germany
  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire
    The Reichstag Fire was the burning of the German Parliament house which was burnt down by the Nazi party.
  • The U.S passed the firsts of it's neutrality acts

    The U.S passed the firsts of it's neutrality acts
    In 1935 the first of the neutrality acts was passed in the U.S. There were 3 more which were passed in 1936, 1937 and 1939.
  • The Great Purge

    The Great Purge
    The Great Purge was a ferocious political campaign which was lead by the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. It was estimated that 750,000 and millions of other people were sent to forced labor camps
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    The Munich agreement was signed by Germany, Britain, France and Italy to avoid war. Whist signing this the Czechoslovakia borders were surrendered to Germany.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht was when the Nazi's "torched synagogues, vandalized Jewish homes, schools and businesses and killed close to 100 jews."
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    World War 2 started.