Between the Wars

By jimman1
  • Period: to

    Rise of totalitarianism

    Totalitarianism is a belief where a citizens of a country are completly controlled by the government.
    fascist and totalitarian in Europe and Russian led to a war. Facism,Nazism, and Communism all led to war later on
  • Start of Soviet Union

    Start of Soviet Union
    Start Of soviet Union
    It started with a communist government in the Russian Empire. Germany thought that the soviet union were enemies. The communist government was precieved as a threat by the Europeans and North America
  • Versailles Treaty

    Versailles Treaty
    Treaty Of Versailles It was a Treatry between the Countries involved in world war I. It Determined the boundaries. It also stated that Germany was to blame for The war.
  • Period: to

    The Weimar Republic

    Weimar Republic The Weimar Republic was a Type of Government. It was to replace the Ruling Government.
  • Mussolini Takes Over

    Mussolini Takes Over
    Mussolini takes Over
    He became Priminister In 1922. He was allies with Hitler to promote his Dicatorship. He Agreed with the idea Facism . He was promoted after the march on rome
  • Beer Hall Pustch, Mein Kampf

    Beer Hall Pustch, Mein Kampf
    Beer Hall putsch This was an Attept to overthrow the German Government. This Failed. They tried to make a new government where raced determined citizenship
  • Stalin gains power

    Stalin gains power
    He had become dictatator of the soviet union after Lenin died. He made a five-year plan to change the soviet union to turn The soviet union into a industrial country.
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    The Great Depression

  • sudentenland/appeasement

    sudentenlandthere was an area with alot of germans called audentenland. it was supposed to be land for gemany. they gave hitler the land
  • Reichstag FIre

    Reichstag FIre
    Reichstag Fire The German Parliament Caught of fire and burned down. It started when Police had to Ban Marches and meetings. After a permamnent suspension of civil rights happened.
  • hitler becomes Chancellor

    hitler becomes Chancellor
    Hitler Becomes Chancellor
    The support for Communists and Nazis increased.The Partys were not able to stop problems from happening. At first it was von Papen then von Schleicher but they were not able to to stop Reichstag. So he made Hitler Chancellor
  • Nurember Laws

    Nurember Laws
    Nuremberg Laws
    The Nuremberg Laws made them did not let German Jews not let German Blooded citizens marry or have sexual relations. It most political Rights
  • Period: to

    Italy Invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    Mussiloni takes control of ethiopia. The League of Nations decisions where not taken and nothing happened
  • Munich Confrence

    Munich  Confrence
    MUnich Conference<a
    This Confrence was held in Munich. It Included france, Italy, Great Britain and Germany. Germany agreed that they were not aloud to invade Czechoslovakia
  • Kristallnacht

    KristallNacht It is named after the shattered glass in the buidings of synygouge,homes, Businesses. Anti -Jeweish Pogroms lead this.
  • Nazi-Soviet union Non-Agression Pact

    Nazi-Soviet union Non-Agression Pact
    NON agression PactGermany signed a pact with the Soviet Union. They signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact which was an agreement they would not attack each other. This meant that Germany didnt have to fight a war from both sides in world war II. Later on Germany attacked the Soviet union and broke it
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Invasion of Poland This date was when Germany Invaded Poland. They invaded Poland because Poland was then seperated from the two powers. So now germany was able to attacck Poland. They deafeted poland within weeks and was able to take controled of poland and other german bordered countries.