Iwo jima 1945

Between The Wars

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    Alcohol is banned in the United States, leading to spiraling crime and even more people out of jobs.
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    Roaring 20's

    After World War 1, the economy was booming and people were happy. It is considered to be the richest the United States has been in the 20th Century.
  • Adolf Hitler elected leader of the Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler elected leader of the Nazi Party
    Hitler is elected into power. He is regarded as being the evillest man in history and was the direct cause of world war 2 starting, which caused over 40 million deaths worldwide.
    - He was probably only elected because he supported the working class when no other party did
    - His extreme charisma and enthusiasm was probably another reason
  • Nosferatu

    Nosferatu is a silent german expressionist horror movie and remains a cult classic to this day
    - Still considered to this day to be one of the most terrifying horror movies ever made
    - Max Shreck portrayed the titular vampire and the movie was directed by F.W Murnau
    - The movie was based on Dracula, and is credited for popularising vampires in fiction today as well as increasing interest in them in the 20th century
  • Mussolini Elected

    Mussolini Elected
    Mussolini was an italian fascist leader who was the reason the italians joined the Axis Powers during World War 2
    - Mussolini was probably elected because he was extremely patriotic and proud about Italy, and thought joining the Axis was the best option for his country.
  • GM Released The First Refrigerator

    GM Released The First Refrigerator
    One of the most monumental inventions of the 20th Century, the Refrigerator helped food not spoil and keep, as well as popularising the idea.
    - Back when it was first introduced, a Refrigerator cost almost $714 back then! (About 17 thousand dollars today!)
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    Wall Street Crashes and The Great Depression

    When the Wall Street Stock Market crashed in 1929 it is considered to be the main reason of the infamous Great Depression coming from the Roaring 20's.
    - Unemployment rose rapidly, and almost everyone became poor. People started starving and war on the horizon as well as the Prohibition only increased matters worse.
  • Elvis Is Born

    Elvis Is Born
    Elvis Presley, one of the most influential musicians of all time is born in Massachusetts. He was arguably the most popular singer at the time and he sold massively.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Germany Invades Poland without any warning or declaration of war. 1.5 million troops mobilized into Polish Ground (Over 5 Armies worth). British and French troops soon declare war on Germany and this directly starts WW2.