Between The Wars

By tahraz1
  • The Weimar Republic

    Also known as a democratic state, The waimer republic was plauged by econmic problems. Familes on fixed incomewatched their life savings disappear. From 1924-1929 Germany was infected by the great depression which caused.As a reult 3 million people were unemployed.
  • Versailles Treaty

    Peace Settlement that was signed after World War 1. It ended the state of war between Germany and Allied powers.
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    Start of Soviet Union

    Ruled by Stalin, The soviet Union was a nation that was powerful and dominate.
  • Stalin gains power

    Stalin gains power
    A powerful leader of the Soviet Union who instituted several multi-year plans which greatly increased the industrial capacity. When the Nazi's invaded in WWII he helped to rally the Soviet people to help defeat the Nazi's.
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    society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.
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    Emphasizing the need for a strong central government led by a dictatorial ruler. The government controls the people and stifles any opposition
  • Mussolini takes over

    Mussolini takes over
    He set up the first European fascist movment in Italy and created the new politcal group called Fascio di Combattimento. His government quickly grew in 1922 and he converted thousands to Fascism. He became Prime Minister after he threatened to mrach to Rome if his idea was not given power.
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    Hitler led his army to a beer hall where the local government leaders were holding a meetung. The nazi captured the leaders and marched to the ministery building where the police opened fire killing one of Hitlers men.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    A book Hitler wrote while in prison which meant my struggle and was abuot his movement and its basic ideas.
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    An international finacial crisis involving the U.S stock market. This panic brought U.S investers to withdraw even more funds from Germany and other European markets. Because of this many people lost jobs and were unemployed.
  • Japan Invasion in Manchuria and response of league of nations

    Japan Invasion in Manchuria and response of league of nations
    An attempt made by Japan to gain control over the province in order to invade East Asia.
  • Hiltler Becomes Chancellor

    Hiltler Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler becomes channcellor of Germany and liad foundation for the Nazi party's complete control over Germany.
  • Reichstag Fire

    Reichstag Fire
    German parliment building that burned down due to arson. The government falsely portrayed the fire as part of a Communist effort to overthrow the state.
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    National Socialist German Workers. Nazism is group created by Hitler who wanted to dominate Germany. They treated the Jwes poorly and blamed them for everything.
  • Invasion of Polond

    Invasion of Polond
    Hitler 's plan for an Aryan racial empire were so important to him that he and his Nazis began to put their program to effect and invaded Polond.
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    This defined who was considered Jew. They exluded Jews from German citizenship, stripped Jews of their civil rights and also forbade marriages bewtween Jews and German Citizens
  • Italy Invades Ethopia and responce of League Of Nations

    Italy Invades Ethopia and responce of League Of Nations
    Muzzilino wanted a powerful Italy so he decied to invade Ethipia because he can gain acces to the Red Sea and wanted its own colonies because France and GB had them as well.
  • Munich Confrence

    Munich Confrence
    A confrence that was held when Hitler demanded Czechoslovakia.
  • Sudetenland/Appeasent

    Hitler demanded that Germany be given the Sudetenland which was an area in northweastern Czechoslovakia that was inhabited by Germans
  • Kristallnacht

    Violent phase of anti-Jewish activity which was a rampage when the Nazi burned and destroyed 7,000 Jewish buisnesses
  • Nazi-Soviet Non Aggression Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Non Aggression Pact
    The Nazi's and Soviets signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other.