Between the wars

By temmi
  • communism

    communism was developed by German, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in the 19th century.
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    The Weimar Republic

    A german democratic state known as the weimar republic.
    The weimar republic was plauged by serious economic problems. The German economy was screwed after the First World War. People were hungry and had no jobs and they blamed the people in charge.
  • versailles treaty

    versailles treaty
    The treaty of versaille signed in the versailles palace outside paris on june, 28 1919, Hitler thought that the versaille s was unfair to the germany. Hitler he has created an air force but the germany was not allowed to have an air force. Hitler did not care about the rule because he made alot of soldiers when they werent suppose to have many but he did it eather way and nobody opposed him because germany had at that point grown too powerful.
  • stalin gains power

    stalin gains power
    Firstly he was elected as General Secretary of the Communist Party to aid Lenin, however when Lenin became incapacitated, Stalin employed ruthless political tactics and used his power
  • mussolini takes over

    Benito Mussolini was the Prime Minister of Italy. He really took control of Italy when he made himself the First Marshal of the Empire. He took control of Italy through the alliance with Hitler's Germany. Mussolini had tight control over press.
  • start of soviet union

    start of soviet union
    The soviet union started when communists won the revolution in 1917. The soviet union collapsed in 1991 after it's citizens decided they preffered capitalism
  • beer hall putsch

    beer hall putsch
    beer hall putsch was also knows as the munich putsch, was the central meeting place for Hitler's political kind. After gaining power Hitler would address his parties officials once a year at the beer hall,it was during one of these meetings that an attempted was made on his life.
  • Mein Kampf

    Mein Kampf
    Adolf Hitler began to write the Mein Kampf in the summer of 1924 while serving a prison sentence for attempting to overthrow the government in the abortive Beer Hall Putsch in Munich. Mein Kampf in English means ‘My Struggle’.
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    Great depression

    The great depression started with a catastrophic collapse of stock-market prices on the New York Stock Exchange in October 1929. The bad thing about thar was the great depression lasted for about 12 years. Many people lost their jobs because of this downturn in the economy. People who did have jobs made barely enough to survive. Hired farm hands only made
    $216.00 a year. A doctor made $3,382.99 a year.
  • italy invades ethiopia

    italy invades ethiopia
    italy invaded ethiopia because they though they were going to steal their food so they set on to invade Ethiopia to protect their food from them. The League of Nations respond to the invasion of Ethiopia : They failed to militarily challenge the invasion and They imposed sanctions on Ethiopia.
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    Fascism started in italy in the 1930. The Italian fascism was developed by Benito Mussolini following WW1.
  • japans invation of manchuria

    japans invation of manchuria
    Japan's invasion of the Manchuria shows the weakness of the League of Nations because it showed that their military power was bluff. It also showed that there was no coordination between them.
  • hitler becomes chancellor

    hitler becomes chancellor
    He was appointed by President Paul von Hindenburg at the request of the former Chancellor Von Papen. Hitler controlled the largest party in Germany, but not enough to form a Government. So a coalition Government was created between the Nazis and German centre right conservative parties. They appointed Hitler to try and stabalise the political situation, as Goverments were only lasting a matter of months, and they used him because they feared the KPD (German Communist Party) which was growing in
  • reichstag fire

    reichstag fire
    Reichstag building was on fire. The reichstag fire helped hitler because it allowed him to take out the Communist Party. This reichstag fire was the excuse he needed.
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    Adolf Hiter was the leader of the Nazi Party. The Nazi party took power in 1933. Some lawyers and others who had opposed the Nazi movement were later sent to concentration camps when the Nazi regime took power.
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    Nuremberg laws

    The Nuremberg Laws were made in order to make Nazism an official and legal ideology that united anti-Semitism as a type of scientific racism.
  • appeasement

    Neville Chamberlain became prime minister of Great Britain. His program for dealing with Hitler was one of appeasement, that is, of attempting to meet German grievances in hopes of avoiding war.Appeasement means giving someone something they want, in the hopes that they will not want more and to avoid a fight
  • munich conference

    munich conference
    September 28-29,1938, The Munich Conference was a conference that was held in the City of Munich when Hitler demanded part of the Czechoslovakia. In attendance during that meeting were the leaders of France Italy and the Great Britain. The conference was held in the year 1938 to try to make Hitler drop his stand on acquiring part of the Czechoslovakian republic.
  • sudetenland

    Sudetenland was the western border of Czechoslovakia where nearly 3 million people spoke German. Sudetenland was later given to Germany by Great Britain due to the signing of the Munich Agreement by Daladier and Neville Chamberlain.
  • kristallnacht

    On the night of 9-10 November 1938 Stormstroopers, acting on orders, smashed up Jewish shops, homes and every synagogue the length and breadth of Germany and Austria. It is called kristllnacht because of the broken glass. In English 'Kristallnacht' is often referred to as the 'Night of the Broken Glass'.
  • nazi soviet non aggression pact

    nazi soviet non aggression pact
    Representatives from Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union met and signed the Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact, which guaranteed that the two countries would not attack each other.
  • invasion of poland

    invasion of poland
    German invaded poland because so they could control a buffer zone between Germany and Russia, and to have a jumping off point to attack Russia. What Hitler told Stalin and what Hitler really wanted were two different things