between the war

By natmeo1
  • start of soviet union

    soviet union use to xist until russia came and took it over and now soviet union is now russia.
  • communism

    communism is when everyoneis given equal things and have to be equal to eachother.
  • the weimar republic

    weimar was a plaque by serious economic problems which later on the years germany have serioud difficulties with saving vanish gone never seen and the unemployment rised up to 3 million people almost 4 million and with all this difficulties which leads to great depression.
  • versailles treaty

    this began with reperation because during the war in 1921 germany has to pay 132 billions dollar to france for the damage they have done. germany paid the first payment but the couldn't pay the second one cause they were having promblem with their finance
  • fascism

    fascism is what is maing mussolini popularitie gro quickly, and it was making people atractiv to his plan but they still hated mussolini
  • mussolini take over

    mussolini takes over italy and become leader of italy but the people of italy didnt like him and his wife so the people march into there house and killed them both.
  • beer hall putsch

    when hitler over threw the weimar government and became the greatest nazi leader
  • mein kampf

    they have the right to gain authority leadership over the masses.
  • great depression

    great depression happen during 1929 when alot of people lost there jobs and there life saving which made the depressed and the number of people depressed was large and thats why they called it the great depression.
  • japan invades manchuria

    in order for japanes to take over the manshuria was that japanese had to sorrond the whole province to tak out the east side.
  • hitler becomes chancellor

    hitler was not chosen to be a cahcellor but no one accepted von popen so hitler ws chosen by the people and that how he became a chancellor
  • reichstag fire

    this is when hitler created the nazi club and the member of the club went bazar about 800,000 people join to become a member which they name this the reichstag fire because the amount of nazi member grew very larged
  • nazism

    a socialism with a strong leader like hitler he was a strong leader thats why everyone loved him
  • nuremberg laws

    it was a law that allowed some jews to escape problems
  • italy invade etheopia

    the leader of italy took hitlers plan to take over country but the mussollini used hitler plan to invade ethiopis which was succeeded.
  • sudetenland/appeasement

    was a name to refer to the north,west and east area.
  • munich conference

    munich conferenceis an agreement for countrys or leader to not invade other places
  • kristallnacht

    when the nazi burned down the synagogues down and they burned 7,000 jewish buisness and which cause 100 jewish people to die and almost 30 thousound jewish people to get injured and this is why they call this the kristallnacht
  • nazi soviet non agression pact

    this is the pact that is and agreement tat two countries cannot attack eachother
  • invasion of poland

    this is the fourth partition of poland
  • stalin gain power