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"Between the war" Timeline

By lanej03
  • Period: to

    Inter War times

  • First Meeting Of The League Of Nations

    First Meeting Of The League Of Nations
    The League Of Nations was organisation founded by Woodrow Wilson on the 10th of January 1920 as a result of the Second World Wars peace conference that ended the war. The main goal of the League Of Nations was to maintain world peace. On the 1st of november 1920 the headquarters of the League Of Nations was moved to Geneva where the organisations first assembly occurred on the 15th of november.
  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the nazi party

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of the nazi party
    The Nazi party was a far-right political party based in Germany originally founded by Anton Drexler and Dietrich Eckart. The Nazi party was active between 1920 and 1945 and supported the idea of Nazism.The group was originally called The German Workers party and had its name changed to the Nazi party in 1920. Hitler attended one of the group meetings in 1919, his energy and speaking skills quickly lead him to take over the party and change the name to the Nazi party in 1920.
  • Charles Mingus

    Charles Mingus
    Charles Mingus (full name Charles Mingus Jr) was an American jazz double bassist, pianist, composer and band leader born on the 22nd April 1922. Charles Mingus is considered to be one of the greatest jazz musicians and composers in history, with a career spanning three decades and many collaborations with other major jazz players such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington and Charlie Parker.
  • The Locarno Pacts Are Signed

    The Locarno Pacts Are Signed
    The Locarno Pacts were seven treaties that were signed on the 5-16 of december 1925. These treaties granted peace in western europe between Germany, Belgium, France, UK and Italy. these seven treaties were initialed in switzerland and signed in London.
  • The Samuel Commission In England Releases Its Report On Coal Mining

    The Samuel Commission In England Releases Its Report On Coal Mining
    The Samuel Commission was a Royal Commission set up by the UK Prime Minister in 1925 to look into the mining industry. The prime minister at the time of creation was Stanley Baldwin.
  • The Final League Of Nations Disarmament Conference Is Held

    The Final League Of Nations Disarmament Conference Is Held
    When The Final League Of Nations finally met for an Disarmament Conference in February, all the preparatory work done by the commission was neglected and the german delegation was withdrawn.in the following months Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany bright fear and mistrust meaning the conference made no progress.
  • Hitler Is Appointed Chancellor Of Germany

    Hitler Is Appointed Chancellor Of Germany
    Adolf Hitler was elected Chancellor of Germany on the 30th of January 1933. in an election held in july 1932 Hitler's Nazi party won over 230 governmental seats. Intimidated by Hitler’s growing popularity the SA (otherwise known as the Brownshirts), initially refused to make him chancellor. Instead General Kurt von Schleicher was elected. General Kurt von Schleicher attempted to steal the election votes by negotiating with a smaller Nazi group governed by Gregor Strasser.
  • The German Reichstag Passes The Enabling Act

    The German Reichstag Passes The Enabling Act
    On march 13th 1933 the German Reichstag passed The Enabling Act which gave Adolf hitler Dictatorial powers over Germany.The Enabling Act gave Hitler and his party to enforce laws independently without having to vote on it.
  • Spanish Civil War Ends

    Spanish Civil War Ends
    The Spanish Civil War lasted from 17 July 1936 to 1 April 1939 and it is estimated that up to one million people died during the heriffic scenes. The Spanish Civil War came to an end when Franco took control of the Republican stronghold of Catalonia. shortly after the rest of Spain fell allowing the Nationalists to take over Madrid on the 28th of March and the rest of spain by the 31st.
  • Britain And France Declare War On Germany

    Britain And France Declare War On Germany
    On the 3rd of september 1939 the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain gave a speech on behalf of the UK and France announcing that both the Uk and france are going to war with Germany, This came after Germany invaded Poland. The war started with a British ocean liner being sunk by a German submarine. In response they UK and France dropped anti-Nazi propaganda leaflets causing the bombing of German ships on the 4th of September.