Bethany's Search For Meaning

By gbray1
  • Bethany is Born

    Bethany is Born
    Bethany Meilani Hamilton Dirks, or better known as just Bethany Hamilton was born at Lihue, Hawaii, U.S. into a loving, religious home with older brothers Noah and Timothy Hamilton. Bethany believes without her family she wouldn't be the person she is today.
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    Bethany's Life Events

  • Bethany Enters First Surfing Competition

    Bethany Enters First Surfing Competition
    Bethany enters her first state-wide surfing competiton after having started surfing at a very young age. Bethany won both the short and long board divisions. This started her love of competitive surfing and what she thought might be the meaning of her life.
  • Bethany Survives Shark Attack

    Bethany Survives Shark Attack
    At the age of 13 Bethany was attacked by a 14-foot tiger shark off the coast of a remote Hawaii beach whilst surfing with close friends and their father. With the nearest hospital hours away, Bethany survived the attack. She was not unscathed though, losing over almost 60% of her blood adn went into hypovolemic shock. Despite the accident Bethany was determined to return to surfing as her career as a professional surfer was just beggining.
  • Bethany Realises Her Faith

    Bethany Realises Her Faith
    After her horrific accident, Bethany realised that it was her faith in Christ that got her through the traumatic ordeal. This can be seen in a quote from Bethany herself.
    Bethany says: “It was Jesus Christ who gave me peace when I was attacked by the shark. They had to get me to the beach, which took 20 minutes of paddling. ‘The peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:6-8)."
  • Bethany Teaches Herself How to Surf Again

    Bethany Teaches Herself How to Surf Again
    Three weeks after her accident Bethany taught herself how to surf again with one arm. Bethany was on her way to recovery with an unbelievably positive attitude and belief in Christianity. Reflecting on this tough time in her life Bethany said, “It was what God had taught me growing up that helped me overcome my fear and get back on the board. ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go’ (Joshua 1:9).”
  • Enters First Surfing Competition since attack

    Enters First Surfing Competition since attack
    Bethany entered her first competitive surfing competition since her attack. She placed fifth in the Women's Open Title which was a huge achievment and a mountain climbed for Bethany. She then entered many other competitions and then, just over a year after her attack, Bethany won first place in the Explorer Women’s division of the 2005 National Scholastic Surfing Association National. This boosted her self-esteem and proved to Bethany that she could achieve anything that she put her mind to.
  • Autobiography

    In 2004 Bethany wrote an autobiography about her experience and recovery called Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board. In this book Bethany relives the accident and gives an insight on she delt with the change in her life, In this book she explains how God was always on her side, gave her hope and helped her through everything to arrive back at success.Bethany rose through the media from 'shark attack victim' to and inspirational role model.
  • Creates Own Foundation

    Creates Own Foundation
    After the attack, Bethany became involved in many charitable efforts, including her own foundation - "Friends of Bethany", which supports shark attack survivors , traumatic amputees, and serves to inspire others through our life story. Bethany has a very spiritual outlook on life, she talks about her encounter with her faith during the shark attack and she believes that faith was a huge part of getting her through her tough times and recovery.
  • Bethany's Film is Made

    Bethany's Film is Made
    In April of 2011, Bethany's feature film was released. The movie was based on her book by the same title and many interviews over the years since her attack. This movie showed the strength and overcoming of hurdles Bethany had to face to get where she is today. She believes that without her Catholicism she wouldn't have been able to make it. Bethany also wrote many faith-based books in the years before as well, which shows her commitment to her faith.
  • Bethany Wins Surfing Competition

    Bethany Wins Surfing Competition
    Bethany won Surf 'n'Sea Pipeline Women's Pro open division in 2014. Bethany made an outstanding recovery and has rose to success since her shark attack in 2003. Present day, Bethany has been married to a local youth paster and they are expecting a baby boy in June 2015. This just shows how Bethany's faith pulled her through the toughest time in her life and helped her overcome and succeed in life.