
Below The Peak

By JayBae
  • Patches Recieves A Dream

    Patches Recieves A Dream
    Patches dreams of the old clans: Thunder, River, Wind, Shadow, Sky. He remembers his old name of Birchkit and a cat made of stars tells him to "Gather your kin and rule the new forest." He spends many more nights in denial until he strays beyond his Tall-Leg home for the first time...
  • The Reckoning

    The Reckoning
    The newly dubbed Birchpaw has been wandering for many days through the forest. He does not know how to hunt. He does not know how to bear the weight of the wild. A she-cat named Juniper takes him under her wing and teaches him the ways of the wild. She teaches him medicine and how to best survive in the harsh wilderness.
  • "Run Away With Me"

    "Run Away With Me"
    Birchpaw visits the far Tall-Leg Dens on his journey to uncover the forests' secrets. He meets a collared cat named Delilah who longs to get rid of her bell so she can catch birds that wander into her yard. Birchpaw helps free her from her collar and begs her to come with him. She refuses. Birchpaw returns to Juniper and finds her with a horrible cold...
  • Juniper Passes

    Juniper Passes
    It was not a cold. With her dying breath, Juniper tells Birchpaw that if he wants to know the truth about the old clans, he must seek out Egypt, a furless kittypet who lived across the Blue. His ramblings about the wild convinced her to cut her collar, and she urged Birchpaw to do the same. After burying his friend, Birchpaw started his journey back to Tall-Leg Den.
  • Egypt

    "Sit down with me, bean sprout. You have much to learn." For three days and three nights, Egypt told Birchpaw the stories of the Clans. On the third night, Egypt granted Birchpaw his warrior name under the stars: Birchpath. "You shall be the path between the Blue. Go and rebuild the clans."
  • Queenie

    Long time, no see, darlin'. It was the middle of Greenleaf last time you were last home. Where's your collar? ... Patches, you got an empty walnut shell up there? We have good lives. We don't need to leave the Dens. ... How do I know this is even gonna work? Who's going to give up this life for the wild? ... Well, I want a funky name, too. Silverbreeze. Birchpath and Silverbreeze, off to conquer the woods. How 'bout it?
  • Period: to

    The Clan Grows

    Over the Leaf-Fall season, Birchpath and Silverbreeze gathered rogues, loners, and collared cats with promises of safety and good food. Their faith was tested that first Leaf-Bare, when food was scarce and the ragtag clan began quarrelling. Birchpath took up the name Birchstar in the tradition of the old clans and led them faithfully through the snowy days as medicine cat and leader with Silverbreeze as his deputy.
  • To The Tall-Leg Dens

    After two moons of prosperity, Birchstar left Silverbreeze in charge so he could travel to the den of Delilah. He brought her gifts: squirrels and lilac. He begged her to join him in the wild and become his mate. She promised, but only if he would allow her to leave after two moons if she no longer cared for the clan life. He dubbed her Dapplefang and took her to join OakClan.
  • OakClan Is Born

    OakClan Is Born
    Toms and Mollies, Kits and Newlings, look upon this sanctuary. This mighty oak tree's roots will house us all for moons to come. Look how the roots stretch out into the dirt and rock. Each root is one of us, binding us to the Old Clans, the ground. Together, we uphold the mighty trunk. It is a noble tradition, these ways of clan life, one that will not sway so long as the roots are strong. For this reason, we shall be OakClan: the proud cats below the peak.
  • To The Dens

    After two moons of prosperity, Birchstar left Silverbreeze in charge so he could travel to the den of Delilah. He brought her gifts: squirrels and lilac. He begged her to join him in the wild and become his mate. She promised, but only if he would allow her to leave after two moons if she no longer cared for the clan life. He dubbed her Dapplefang and took her to join OakClan.