Computadora 2

before and after computers

  • old

    in 2000 a. c One of the earliest mechanical calculations was the counter of the Egyptian sand, consisting of groove in the sand where they placed stones or pebbles.
  • Abacus

    2600a.C. :One of the first mechanical counting device was the abacus, the history of the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations dating. This device is very simple, consists of beads strung on rods which in turn are mounted on a rectangular frame. By moving the beads on rods, their positions represent stored value, and it is through these positions it represents and stores data.
  • Arabic number system.

    Arabic number system.
    1200 d.c :Around 1200 AD, with the acceptance of Arabic number, progress is favored.
  • Logarithms and slide rule.

    Logarithms and slide rule.
    1617 d.c :John NEPIER developed logarithms, this system provided a convenient method for short calculations, becomes multiplication, division, strengthening and establishment of simple addition and subtraction. This leads to the invention of the Slide Rule.
  • The Jacquard loom.

    The Jacquard loom.
    Year 1801 D.C.: Meanwhile Charles Jacquard (French), textile manufacturer, had created a loom that could automatically play patterns woven reading the information encoded in patterns of holes punched in paper cards rigid.
  • analytical machine created by Charles Babbage

    analytical machine created by Charles Babbage
      In 1823 the British government support to build the project in a different machine, a mechanical device for performing repeated addition
  • The first programmable computer.

    The first programmable computer.
    Konrad Zuse in 1941 the first programmable contruyó compuradora copleas equations and solve engineering, was controlled by punched cards, and was the first who traded with the binary system, compared to other decimals.
  • The first fully electronic computer was the ENIAC

    The first fully electronic computer was the ENIAC
    built in 1943 and was finished in 1945. E.N.I.A.C. A computer First Generation, economic, scientific, academic and worked to vacuum tubes, who performed the transfer functions of control in Mark I, performed the relay, this enabled the operations being carried out faster and multiplying thousandfold he could faster machine Aiken.
  • The first mass use micro computer.

    The first mass use micro computer.
    Steve Wozniak and Jobs Steve invented the first micro computer for mass use and later formed the company known as Apple was the second largest company in the world, preceded only by IBM, and this in turn is still among the five companies largest in the world.
  • Microsoft

    Microsoft in 2002, announces the launch of the latest Pentium IV microprocessor, 4 Ghz speed.
  • Future quantum computers

     Future quantum computers
    this is how the computer has evolved, it is rumored that 2015: Future quantum computers would use a physical phenomenon known as "overlap" where infinitesimal size objects like electrons, can exist in two or more places at once . This would mean that future computers created with "stacked" processors could use quantum bits (called "qubits" quantum bits). A qubit has the ability to represent two states: "0" and "1" simultaneously.