David sheff

Beautiful Boy

  • Nic getting caught with marijuana

    Nic getting caught with marijuana
    David discovered a small bag of marijuana in Nics backpack while packing an overnight bag for him. Nic is suppost to spend the night at a friends house. David is in disbelief and he questions Nic and grounds him for two weeks. David does not take this incident seriously. Nic is thirteen
  • Drugs on campus

    Drugs on campus
    Two years after Davids discovery of Nics marijuana, Nics school principal calls David and informs him that nic has been suspended for buying Marijuana on school campus. David is shocked once again and believes that Nic is only experimenting. Nic is put into classes suggeted by the principal. Nic is a freshman in High School.
  • Offering Marijuana to dad

    Offering Marijuana to dad
    It is Nics senior year in High school and he is distant and doesnt spend much time at home. David and Nic go to David's parents house for a family party in Arizona. Nic asks David to smoke pot with him. David is shocked but agrees to Nics offer. They sit along the beach and smoke together
  • Nic gets arrested

    Nic gets arrested
    Two weeks later Nic is arrested for failure to appear in court after being cited for Marijuana possesion. David bails him out and is confident that the arrest will teach him a lesson
  • Nics drug of choice

    Nics drug of choice
    Nic decides to attend Berkely college but is absent to his classes and does not reurn David's phone calls. David suggestes therapy and rehab but Nic blames his absense on depressson. Nic disappears for days and then finally calls David asking for help. David drives to an alleyway behind a bookstore in San Rafael. He finds Nic behind a dumpster in a dark alley. He forces Nic to go to rehab. This is the first time Nic has used Meth.
  • Nic ran away from rehab

    Nic ran away from rehab
    Nic spends three weeks at Ohloff Recovery Program before revealing that he does not want to attend college and wants to be on his own. David and Karen agree to let Nic be on his own for awhile. A day later David calls Ohloof Recovery and they inform him that Nic has vanished
  • Nic relapses

    Nic relapses
    After days without a word from Nic, he calls from the house of a former girlfriend. He says he has quit using and has been sober for five days. David recommends that he go back to rehab. David manages to get Nic into St. Helena Hospital where Nic stays for four weeks
  • Nic relapses once again

    Nic relapses once again
    Nic is twenty and he has graduated from Ohloff Recovery. He goes back to college and attends meetings twice a week. After a few weeks in college he decides that college is not for him. He steals money from his brother Jaspar and relapes. He decides to go to china with his current girlfriend. He tells his father that he will stop using
  • Nic is back in rehab

    Nic is back in rehab
    Nic is back in rehab and his parents attend AA meetings along with other parents and their addicted children. Nic claims that he is doing better and will stop using. Jaspar and Daisy are attending their step up ceremnoy in which they go to the next grade level. Nic promised to attend but failed to show.
  • Nic ran away from home

    Nic ran away from home
    Nic is missing for about five days. David recieves a call from Nics grandmother claiming that she found Nic under a pile of clothes high on meth in her laundry room. Nic immedialtely gets up and runs out of the house. A week later Nic shows up at his grandfathers house for dinner and explains he has stopped using
  • Nic hits rock bottom

    Nic hits rock bottom
    Nic is twenty one. He relapses once again and doesnt call for two weeks. David and Nic meet at a local restaurant and have brunch. Nic explains that he has a place to stay and he is currently satyaing in San Framsico. They depart and Nicis gone for another week. David is informed that Nic is in the hopsital for a drug overdose. Nic checks himself out of the hospital against doctors order
  • Nic steals money

    Nic steals money
    Nic is gone for another week. Daid gets a call from a representative of a bank explaining that someone wrote a check for five hundred dollors on a closed account. Nic is living in San Fransico and his sponsor Randy is helping him through his addiction by taking long bike rides daily.
  • Nic is put into rehab for the final time

    Nic is put into rehab for the final time
    David gets out of the hospital and Nic explains that he has used again with his current girlfriend and has been lying about where is staying. David wants to give up on Nic but a women who attends the AA meetings persuade him to never give up on a child. David once again signs Nic into a rehab Recovery center for the final time
  • Road to recovery

    Road to recovery
    Nic attends the rehab center and seems to be getting better. He has been clean for almost two years now. David is no longer constantly worried about Nic and it seems that Nic is doing well in the new program.
  • Nic robs his house

    Nic robs his house
    Nic is eighteen and David comes home to find that Nic is gone and had robbed the house of food, cash, and a case of expensive wine. Nic is gone two days before he calls and David urges him to come home. Nic complys but is very rude to David. Nis was on high on marijuana as he returned home
  • Nis goes to rehab

    Nis goes to rehab
    Nic in nineteen and using meth regularly. He sleeps most of his days. Without warning Nic takes the family's old car and vansihes for a week. Nic returns home high on meth and David is almost in tears. He pleads Nic to go to rehab. After putting up a fuss Nic complys and attends Ohloff Recovery Center.
  • Nic relapses once again

    Nic relapses once again
    Nic relapses once again but claims that he is done for good. He writes Jaspar a letter apologizing to him for everything he has put him through along with the eight dollors he stole a few years back. David suffers from a brain hemridge and all he can think about is Nic. Nic gets his act together after a final relapse and is by his fathers side while he returns home from the hospital