Bea - Something Rotten

By KeishaG
  • Act 1 Scene 4: Nick & Bea's House

    1st appearance of Bea. Nick and Bea discuss finances and she tries to convince him that she can contribute to their savings by being more that just a wife. *date based on 1st recorded possible performance of Richard II on Wikipedia
  • Act 1 Scene 8: A South London Street

    Bea enters dressed as a man has a scene with Nick and Nigel. She has found her first job and almost fools Nick into mistaking her for a bear shit boy.
  • Act 1 Scene 9: The Park

    Act 1 Scene 9: The Park
    Nick runs into Bea. She is still disguised as a man and is now working as a stage hand. And reveals to him that she's pregnant.
  • Ace 1 Scene 11: Soothsayer Alley

    Botton's Gonna Be on Top. Cameo with baby in stroller during song. Fantasy so it's out of time. But I'd say it's evening of 12/7/1595 Last scene for Act 1.
  • Act 2 Scene 5: A South London Street

    Act 2 Scene 5: A South London Street
    Bea runs in to Nigel. He tells her about the fight they had. She reveals to him that she knows Nick took their savings, but she doesn't know why. Bea reminds Nigel that Nick is acting crazy because of the pressure he's under. She reminds him that love can be hard work and the Nick with always be there for them.
  • Act 2 Scene 6: The Theatre (After Omelette)

    Bea is upset to discover the reason Nick took the savings money.
  • Act 2 Scene 7: Courtroom

    Bea enters dress at an old man lawyer to defend Nick and his acting troupe. She successfully defends the troupe with a plea of insanity. Shakespeare comes in a suggest banishment to America.
  • Act 2 Scene 8: A New American Colony

    Finale! They move to America and do their musicals there. It's revealed that Hamlet is the title of Sheakspear's new smash hit.