
Battles of the French & Indian War

  • The Battle of Fort Necessity & the Battle of Great Meadows

    The Battle of Fort Necessity & the Battle of Great Meadows
    This Battle of Fort Necessity was commanded by Colnol George Washington & Captain James McKay for the British and Captain Lewis Coulon de Villiers for the French. The British had 393 men fighting while the French had 700 men. The outcome of this battle if the French winning.
  • Battle of Monongahela

    Battle of Monongahela
    During the Battle of the Monongahela General Edward Braddock was leading 1,300 men for the British and Captain Lienard de Beaujeu and Captain Jean Danid Damas leading 891 for the French. After three hours of fighting the British won this battle.
  • Battle of Lake George

    Battle of Lake George
    The Battle of Lake George took command under Sir William Johnson and Jean Erdman and Baron Dieskau. The British had 1,500 men and 200 Mohawk Indians while the French had 1,500 men The British won the Battle of Lake George.
  • Siege of Fort William Henry

    Siege of Fort William Henry
    Fort William Henry was the place this battle was fought while the British was under command of Lieutenant Colonol George Monro while The French was lead by Morquis de Montcalm. Though the French had approximately 8,00 men and the British only had 2,500, the British won.
  • Battle of Carillon

    Battle of Carillon
    The British had 15,000-16,00 men under command of Major General James Abercrombie & Brigadier General Lord George Howe while the French was led by Cheevalier de Levis with 3,600 men. The French won the Battle of Crillon
  • Siege of Louisburg

    Siege of Louisburg
    The British leader, Major General Jeffery Amherst, Admiral Edwards Boscawen & brigadier General James Wolfe led 14,00 men, 12,000 sailors/marines & 40 warships. Chevalier de Drucour led the 3,500 men, 3,500 sailors/marines, and 5 warships to fight the British. Even if it is quite obvious who won, the British won the Siege of Louisburg.
  • The Battle of Fort Niagara

    The Battle of Fort Niagara
    The British L\leaders, Brigadier General John Prideaux & Sir William Johnson led 3,945 men into victory wile the were fighting the battle of Fort Niagara. The french leader, Captain Pierre Pouchot only had 486 men.
  • Battle of Quebec

    Battle of Quebec
    The French leader, Marquis de Montcalm led 4,500 engaged and 3,500 men while the British leader Major General James Wolfe had 4,400 men engaged and 8,000 men into victory of the Battle of Quebec.