Civil war

Battles and Events of the Civil War

  • Fort Sumter

    Victorious side: Confederacy because all of the 60 cannons pointed to sea and Union soldiers were starving and were evacuated. 1 Union casualty. Fort was reduced to rubble.
  • First Bull Run

    Confederate Victory
    Managed to break Union line
    McDowell of the Union retreated his forces
  • Hampton Roads

    Confederate Victory
    The Virginia (Confederate) fought the Monitor (Union)
    Virginia disabled the Monitor
    First battle ship war in the Civil War
  • Antietam

    Union victory
    Lee:38,000 lost 10,318. McCellan: 75,000 lost 12,401
    Union broke Confederate front
    Justification of the Emancipation Proclamation
  • Peninsula Campaign

    Confederacy Victory. Lee of 92,000, McClellan of 100,000. McCellan ordered retreat though outnumbering his enemies. Heavily effected Nothern Morale.
  • Spotsylvania

    Ended on May 20th
    Confederate Victory
    Grant looked for weak spots in Confederate Lines and failed doing so.
  • Vicksburg

    Ended July 4th
    Union Victory
    Grant continued to attack the Stronghold of Vicksburg for a long time
    Confederate troops were low on ammunition and starving
    Turning point in War for the North
  • Second Bull Run

    Confederate Victory
    Union Porter Defied Popes orders and cost many union troops' lives
    Frightened Union nation
  • Fredericksburg

    Confederate Victory
    Franklin on the Union side failed to send 50,000 more troops to help
    Union forces were destroyed by Confederate batteries
    Crushing defeat for the Union
  • Chancellorsville

    Ended on May 6, 1863
    Confederate Victory
    Union Casualties:17,278, Confederate: 12,826
    Known as General Lee's greatest victory
  • Gettysburg

    Ended July 3, 1863
    Lee planned to invade the North, failing
    Confederate casualties:28,000 Union casualties:23,000
    Lee asked to resign but President Jefferson Davis of the South refused
    Turned the tide of the Civil War to the Northern side
  • Chickamauga

    Confederate Victory
    Confederacy bust through a gap in the Union lines
    Grant reversed the results of the battle in Chattanooga.
  • Gettysburg Address

    Lincoln reminded a the Public why the Union had to fight and win the Civil War.
    Dedication to those7,500 who fell in battle.
  • Battle of the Wilderness

    Ended on May 7th, 1864
    Union Victory
    No matter what happened Grant would not retreat.
    Union troops thought they were in retreat until they saw Grant in front.
    Boosted Union Morale
  • Petersburg Campaign

    ended April 1 1865
    Union Victory
    Lee greatly outnumbered 50,000 against Grants army of 120,000
    Evactuation of the Confederate troops was processed
  • Mobile Bay

    Union Victory
    Union fleet destroyed a Confederate blockade led by Admiral David Farragut
  • Sherman'sMarch

    Union Victory
    Led by General Sherman, He and his troops destroyed factories,farms and other things that helped the Confederacy
    Lowered Confederate Morale
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Killed by John Wilkes Booth
    Killed during the production of Our American Cousin
    John shot his .44-caliber single-shot derringer into the back of Lincoln's head.
    Booth was shot in the neck by a soldier
  • Appomattox

    Union Victiory
    Union forces cut off Lee's retreat and forced Lee to surrender
    The End of the Civil War