Ayn rand

Ayn Rand

  • Birth

    Ayn Rand was born February 2nd, 1905 in St. Petersburg, Russia.
  • Author

    When Ayn Rand was just about nine years old, she figured out she wanted to be an author. She thought of herself as a European Author because she was thoroughly opposed to the collectivism and mysticism of the Russian culture.
  • Revolution

    Around 1917 through 1918, Ayn was in high school. During her high school times, she witnessed the Russian Revolution. (The Kerensky and Bolshevik.) She strongly supported the Kerensky Revolution but not the Bolshevik. With all the fighting, her family was forced to move to Crimea. With the final communist victory, Ayn's father's pharmacy was closed down and her family was brought to near-starvation.
  • Leaving

    Ayn gained permission from the USSR to leave the country to visit relatives in the United States. She told the services that her trip would be short, but never returned to Russia again. After staying with her relatives for many months, she then left to go Hollywood to pursue a career as a screenwriter.
  • Marriage

    Cecil B. DeMille saw Ayn standing at his studio and he gave her the job as an extra in his movie, "The King of Kings," then he gave her the job of being a script reader. During the week, she met an actor, Frank O'Connor, which she married in 1929.
  • We The Living

    We The Living
    Ayn's first book was completed in 1933, but it was rejected by many publishers for years. It was finally published by the Macmillan in the U.S and the Cassell in England in 1936. This was one of her most autobiographical books, was based on her life while living under the Soviet Union, so it wasn't very popular among American people or critics.
  • The Fountainhead

    The Fountainhead
    Ayn began writing "The Fountainhead," in 1935 which was based on the ideal man and who he was ought to be. It was rejected by twelve publishers and was finally published by Bobbs-Merrill in 1943. The Fountainhead made history by being a best seller in the United States, and gained popularity for it's author as the champion of individualism.
  • Anthem

    Anthem was written in 1937 and published in 1938. It was based on a dystopian society in the future, and it included collectivism and socialistic thinking. It is one of her best selling books.
  • Moving

    Ayn Rand moved back to New York City and devoted all of her time to complete Atlas Shrugged.
  • Atlas Shrugged

    Atlas Shrugged
    Atlas Shrugged was her best and last work of fiction. The novel included her unique philosophy on integrated ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, politics, economics, and sex. This helped her realize that writing the book she needed the know the unique philosophic principles for individuals that makes it possible to live on earth.
  • Objectivism

    Later on, Ayn wrote and lectured about her philosophy on Objectivism. She published and edited her own periodicals from 1962 to 1976. Her essays provided a bunch of information/material for books on Objectivism and how it apples to our culture.
  • Death

    Ayn Rand passed away on March 6th, 1982 in her New York City Apartment.