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  • Malak to send the working programs and the requried head call details

  • permission for booths to be finalized

    this should be the logitics task. HANDASA: waleed will finalize handasa.
    MOGAMA3: antouan can help in this.
    TEBBY: waleed should call zeyad tarek to help. permission should include: proposal in arabic, our needs, outsourcing members names, papers that we will distibute needs to be signed by them.
  • Meeting between Omar, shady, sharkawy, waleed

    diwan at 6 pm
  • Open online call for members

  • Period: to

    Recrutment phase open

  • Orientation meeting for the booths campagn and shifts distribution plan

    Booths from 11 am till 2 pm.
    2 members per booth
    2 shifts per day
    5 days X 2 members X 2 shifts X 3 booths = 60 shifts ( to be distributed in this meeting according to each member's schedule )
  • Start the booths campaign inside university

  • 1st day of interviews

  • End of the booths campaign

  • 2nd Day interviews