Audio player (phonographs, radio, mp3 players

By @henne_
  • Period: to

    Audio players

  • Phonavtograph

    The first device capable of recording sound signals was leon scott de martinvilles 1857 invention called the " Phonavtograph".
  • Improved cylinder and disk machines

    Improved cylinder and disk machines
    By 1891 Edison expanded into the entertainment field for the next several years, material innovation improved both cylinder and disc machines, but disc-style gramophones and phonographs eventually worn out.
  • 1905 victroia

    1905 victroia
    Their 1905 victroia becam the industrys primiere disc phonograph, and the era of the 78 RPM disc'standard was born (homes 200)
  • Electrical recording

    Electrical recording
    By the 1920's, innovation in electrical recording and amplification systems combined with the event of magnetic recording to help drive the recording industry for the next two countries.
  • 1940s introduced something new

    1940s introduced something new
    1940s introduced, columbia introduced the 33-1/3 PM