assignment 2

  • Oct 12, 1492

    christopher columbus

    discovered america very important otherwise we wouldnt be here to have a government
  • declaration of independence

    important because it gave us our basic laws and has been around for 2 centuries
  • articles of confederation

    This document is important because it made the union of the thirteen colonies legal and identified them as sovereign states.
  • constitution

    this is important because it has the basic guidlines for our goverment and theyt have been used for the past 2 centuries
  • george washinton election

    he was the first president and gave us the presidential cabinet
  • louisiana purchase

    the louisiana pucrchase is important because it expanded our nation tomost of what it is today
  • pearl harbor

    if pearl harbor wouldnt have happened the us probabyly wouldnt have joined the war
  • united nations

    provides order through conflicts among nations keeps wars from happening for the most part
  • 9-11

    this event was important because it changed the goverment security and tightened the airplane travel seccurity