

By jhhnt8
  • 1570 BCE

    Renaissance Italian 14th -16th Centuries

    Renaissance Italian 14th -16th Centuries
    The painting below is "The Garden of Gathesmane by an artist known as, Giorgio Vasani. It was painted in the renaissance era and it interrelates to the chapter because of its humanistic influence of religious significance. Vasani many times painted with inscriptions referencing religious inscriptions. This painting in particular references the garden in which Jesus prayed and slept in the night before his crucifixion.
  • Period: Dec 9, 1265 to Dec 10, 1321

    Italian Renaissance - artist lifespan 14th- 16th centuries

    An important and very influential artist during this time period was Dante Alghieri. He was mainly interested in classical writings and poetic versus. He wrote about Christian morals in one of his poems called, "A Great Journey" which focuses on vice and virtues. A great many of his works were influenced by ancient Roman writings. He was born into a family with a heavy political background which also influenced some of his later works. - tying into humanism which was more political than artsy
  • Period: Dec 9, 1400 to

    Italian Renaissance 14th- 16th historical event - Humanism

    One of the main historical events that occurred in this era was the influence of what historians call, "Humanism."
    Humanism was basically the introduction to a new way of thinking and control, so this in itself became a sort of rebirth in the renaissance era. Many historians believed that these epiphanes of new thoughts and governance influenced leaders to take examples from medieval times, thus; influencing them to take note on both leadership as well as classically inspired works
  • Period: Dec 9, 1471 to Dec 10, 1528

    Renaissance Northern 14th - 16th Artist lifespan

    Albrecht Durer was born in Germany in 1471. He worked with his father as a goldsmith and a local painter where he learned his printmaking skills. By the time he was 30 he began a series of religious woodcuts and was largely influenced by his two trips to Italy which features many religious artworks. work cited
  • Dec 9, 1497

    Renaissance Northern 14th - 16th centuries art work

    Renaissance Northern 14th - 16th centuries art work
    The art work shown below is known as "The Apocalypse" by Albrecht Durer done in 1497. From the book of revelations it is also representative of his skills as goldsmith and printmaker with his use of lines and texture. Again relating to religion which was a main them in this era.
  • Dec 9, 1500

    Renaissance Northern 14th- 16th Centuries Main Evetn- Propaganda

    The Northern Renaissance not to be confused with The Italian Renaissance was influenced more by religion instead of medieval ways of governance and thought. Therefore making waves with the development of art and propaganda. The Northern renaissance was a time when many people were calling for a reformation in the church due to a decreased faith in their religious leaders mainly because of their perceived corruptions; thus influencing the masses with their views of the situation.
  • Period: Dec 9, 1530 to

    Baroque Historical Events - Counter Reform

    The counter reformation began due to the slow response of the catholic church. Art and propaganda of earlier periods also fueled the fire of mistrust and anger amongst its followers.
    At the time of trying to address these issues, the church again ran into some problems and as a result this led to repression and censorship of many artworks including a controversy.
  • Period: Dec 9, 1550 to

    Baroque Artist

    Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born in Italy and gained experience under his father as a sculptor and architect. He agreed with the Council of Trench of 1545. Which had a major influence on censorship. He helped produce catholic propaganda in the classic baroque style which helped influence the masses's views of the church in a positive light.
  • Period: to

    Baroque Artist

    Gian Lorenzo Bernini was born in Italy and gained experience under his father as a sculptor and architect. He agreed with the Council of Trench of 1545. Which had a major influence on censorship. He helped produce catholic propaganda in the classic baroque style which helped influence the masses's views of the church in a positive light.
  • Baroque Art

    Baroque Art
    This sculpture done Gian Lorenzo Bernini is a prime example of art in this period. It embodies everything that is considered Baroque from its dramatic religious significance, to its bold contrast light settings.
  • Enlightment Art

    Enlightment Art
    The artwork below is known as "A Sybil" done by Angelica Kauffmann who was a swiss artist and was one of the main artist that painted during the Enlightment period contributing to Neoclassim which promoted education, science, and combined the two in art.
  • Period: to

    Enlightenment Neoclassim artist Angelica Kauffman

    Angelica Kauffman was born in 1741 and trained by her father who was a muralist and even worked as her father's assistant. Later on in life she became a founder of London's Royal Academy and one of London's most desired artists. With her background in education and historical paintings she flourished as one of the most prominent artists in the Enlightenment period.
  • Romantism and Realism in Art

    Romantism and Realism  in Art
    After the industrial revolution and technological advances in architecture, making buildings taller became a reality and life began to change indefinitely. A direct result of this can be seen in the architecture dating back from that time and an example of this is non other than The Eiffel Tower itself.
  • Period: to

    Romanticism and Realism- Photography Historical

    In the time period spanning from 1800-1880 comes the simple yet revolutionary invention called "Photography." Although the camera was developed earlier in renaissance times, photography only developed when Sir John Herschel used the term to describe how images could be captured on surfaces using light sensitive chemicals
  • Romanticim and Realism ARTIST

    A well known artist at the time was Joseph Paxton, born into a farming family, he naturally developed a fascination for gardening thus influencing his fascination and desire to build a massive greenhouse. After this success the Queen then knighted him and he continued to design gardens. In his late age he became a member of parliament until he died. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/paxton_joseph.shtml
    Cited Works
  • Romanticim and Realism ARTIST

    A well known artist at the time was Joseph Paxton, born into a farming family, he naturally developed a fascination for gardening thus influencing his fascination and desire to build a massive greenhouse. After this success the Queen then knighted him and he continued to design gardens. In his late age he became a member of parliament until he died. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/paxton_joseph.shtml
    Cited Works
  • Period: to


    Andy Warhol was born August 6, 1928. At the tender age of 6 he fell ill to Cholera and was sick in bed for many months. It was during this time that he learned how to draw from him mother who was an artist herself. Soon after he found himself taking classes at the Carnegie Institute. After his father died and he graduated college with a BA in fine arts, he moved to NYC and pursued a career in commercial art which soon gave way to his career in Pop Art.

    During the modern world which we know of and live in today, came along with the birth of Abstract paintings. Abstract art is art that has thick paint and gestural marks that usually suggest post war feelings of uncertainty.
  • Period: to

    The Modern World HISTORICAL EVENT

    After the birth of pop art in post war America, a new movement was booming known as feminist art. This was a time when women began feeling the need to represent themselves where they felt they had been ignored and underrepresented in both art and history.
  • Period: to

    The Enlightment & Rev 1600s historical neoclassism

    The enlightenment was a period in which society stirred away from the norms of religious art and began to embrace philosophy and scientific theories. This lead to a new development of "genre scenes" which promoted science, satires, and morals in works of art to lead what they believed to be a better society.
    This also lead to a style of art that combined art and theory and thus Neoclassicism was born.