Around the World in 80 Days

  • Mr. Fogg and Passerpartout depart from London.

  • Mr. Fogg and Passerpartout arrive at Suez.

    It is here that Mr. Fix enters the story and begins to follow the travellers, thinking Mr. Fogg is a bank robber.
  • Adventurers arrive in Aden on the "Mongolia" and embark for Bombay.

  • Fogg and his companions rescue Aouda between Khloby and Allahabad.

  • Travellers reached Singapore by steam

  • reached Yokohama

    Passerpartout had arrived earlier than Fogg and Auoda, due to his drug "incident." Failing to inform Fogg and Auoda, Passerpartout had left to Yokohama without them. Now without means of support, Passerpartout decided to join a circus; it is during a performance he is found and reunited with his companions.
  • Arrived at San Francisco, USA via steam

  • Train arrived in New York City.

  • Travellers return to Europe. Mr. Fogg is arrested, seemingly making the bet lost.

    Their streamer ports in Dublin, which is only six hours away from London.
  • Mr. Fogg reaches the Reform Club minutes before the deadline.

    There was a mistake in the tracking of days, and the group had actually arrived a day early and had not realized it! Mr. Fogg won the gamble and restored his pride!