
Arms Race Timeline

  • First U.S. atomic bomb is detonated.

    First U.S. atomic bomb is detonated.
    Began the threat of U.S. nuclear superiority.
  • U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima.

    U.S. drops atomic bomb on Hiroshima.
  • Truman approves H-Bomb.

    Truman approves H-Bomb.
  • Korean War

    Korean War
  • General MacArthur pushes invading forces back behind the 38th Parallel.

    General MacArthur pushes invading forces back behind the 38th Parallel.
  • Truman is forced to remove MacArthur from duty.

    Truman is forced to remove MacArthur from duty.
  • Period: to

    Nuclear Arms Race atomic tests series 11 explosions at Nevada Test Site.

  • H-Bomb Castle-Bravo test.

    H-Bomb Castle-Bravo test.
  • USSR sent tanks into Poznan, Poland, to suppress demonstrations by workers.

    USSR sent tanks into Poznan, Poland, to suppress demonstrations by workers.
  • Cuba aligns itself with Soviet Union.

    Cuba aligns itself with Soviet Union.
  • Cuban Missle Crisis.

    Cuban Missle Crisis.