Arkansas history

  • goverment

    The United States purchases the Louisiana Territory from France, which had retaken it from Spain as part of the Treaty of San Ildefonso.
  • war

    Arkansas, which has been part of Missouri Territory since 1812, is detached and made a territory. November 20: Arkansas Gazette, the first newspaper in Arkansas, published.
  • goverment

    Disillusioned by the collapse of two state-chartered banks, legislators ratify a constitutional amendment barring any banking institution from being established in the state.
  • goverment

    A convention votes to secede from the Union and join the Confederacy. The first of some 60,000 Arkansas residents join the confederate troops, but some 9,000 whites and more than 5,000 blacks fight on the Union side during the war.
  • Period: to


    Battle of Pea Ridge in northwest Arkansas. A Confederate advance north is rebuffed.
  • battles

    A new constitution adopted by referendum enfranchises Negroes and disenfranchises ex-Confederate soldiers. June 22. Arkansas re-admitted to the Union. November. Governor Powell Clayton declares martial law in much of the state; a mostly black militia battles the Ku Klux Klan.
  • war

    Month-long "Brooks-Baxter War" between rival claimants to the governorship ends when President Ulysses S Grant orders the forces of the former to disperse.
  • governor

    Dale Bumpers of Charleston is elected governor, promising to rid Arkansas of "the old machine and the money machine."In February, a federal judge declares the Arkansas prison system unconstitutional.
  • arkansas

    Arkansas is ranked in the top five states in percentage of population over the age of 65, due to the "Retiree Movement."In May, the Federal government informs Governor Clinton that Camp Chaffee will house 120,000 Cuban "Freedom flotilla"refugees. Bill Clinton is defeated by Frank White, once a Democrat, in his bid for a second term as governor.
  • goverment

    On October 3, Governor Clinton announces he will run for the presidency of the United States. Lt. Governor Jim Guy Tucker becomes acting Governor in Clinton's absence. October 18 sees the last issue of the Arkansas Gazette, the "oldest newspaper west of the Mississippi."