APWH Unit 7 timeline

  • Period: to

    Russo-Japanese War

    Russia and Japan both wanted influence in Korea and Manchuria. Japan won.
  • Bloody Sunday

    Peaceful march to ask for better working conditions and higher wages. The tsar's troops opened fire. Around 1300 dead.
  • The revolution of 1905

    After Bloody Sunday, around 400k workers went on strike and refused to work. The tsar tried to appease them, but by the end, thousands of workers had been harmed in some way.
  • Mexican Revolution

    Porfirio Diaz jailed Francisco MAdero, the opposition candidate for president. This enraged the public, which led to a revolution.
  • Japan took over Korea

  • End of The Qing

    A revolution overthrew the Qing dynasty in 1911, creating a republic under Sun Yat-Sen.
  • WWI

    Germany declared war on Russia, which struggled due to its troop's poor training. Citizens suffered from food shortages
  • Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia

  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Black Hand

  • Germany Declares war on Russia

  • Germany declares war on France

  • Britain declares war on Germany

  • Austria declares war on Russia

  • Italy Joins the Allies

  • Period: to

    Burkina Faso unites to drive out the French

  • The Bolshevik Revolution

    • Org. representing the working class seizes power and sets up a communist government with Lenin as its leader
    • Gov abolished private trade, distributed peasants' crops to feed urban workers
  • Zimmermann Telegram

    Interception of the message by the US.Germany offered to help Mexico reclaim territory it had lost to the US if Mexico joined Germany
  • The Balfour Declaration

    The British government decides that Palestine should become a permanent home for the Zionists in Europe
  • Election of the Weimar Republic

  • Period: to

    Russian Civil WAr

    Thousands of Russians and Ukrainians revolt against the Russian Gov's actions. Industrial and Agricultural production dropped sharply
  • Armistice Day

  • Treaty of Versailles

  • Massacre at Amritsar

    A group of Indian nationalists gathered in Amritsar to protest the arrest of some freedom fighters. THe British gov had made such gatherings illegal, so armed forces shot into the crowd
  • March First MOvemente

    Protests to advocate against Japan. Japanese forces killed several thousand koreans
  • May Fourth Movement

    Anti-Japanese demonstrations that symbolizes CHina's nationalism and demand for democracy.
  • Mussolini and his fascist allies manage to take control of the parliament

  • Turks

    Turkish National Movement defeated British and other forces
  • New Economic Plan

    Lenin reintroduces private trade
  • The Chinese Communist Party

  • Establishment of the Republic of Turkey

    Mustafa Kemal/Ataturk as the first president
  • Mein Kampf

    Hitler writes it in a Bavarian prison, expressing his extreme anti-Semitic views
  • INstitutional revolutionary PArty

  • The Great Depression and the crash of the US's stock market

  • Period: to

    Japan's Exports decline

  • The Salt March

  • Period: to

    Famine in Ukraine

  • Long March

  • Hitler breaks the treaty of Versailles by enlarging his Army

  • Nuremberg Laws

  • Period: to

    Spanish Civil War

    Nationalists Vs the Loyalists, the Nationalists won
  • Germany moves troops into the Rhineland

  • Austria becomes a part of the Third Reich

  • Nonaggression Pact

  • Period: to


  • German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

  • Germany invades Poland and Britain and France Declare war on Germany

  • Destroyers-for-Bases Agreement

  • Lend-Lease Act

  • The United States joins the Allies Powers

  • Erwin Rommel

    Led German troops in Egypt and threatened to take Alexandria. THe British defeat him.
  • D-Day

    150k Allied forces unde rthe command of Dwight Eisenhower launch and invasion onthe Beaches of Normandy
  • V-E Day

  • Victory over Japan

    Japan Surrenders Unconditionally