
  • Black Land Act No 27

    Black Land Act No 27
    This act made it so blacks couldn't own or even rent land that was outside of their specific reserves. At this time, this was only approximately 7 percent of the land. It was primarily to keep the good land for the whites.
  • Representation of Black Act No 12

    Representation of Black Act No 12
    Blacks couldn't vote on the normal ballot and had to vote on a separate one. This meant that they ended up being represented by only white senators that were reserved for only them although they didn't look out for their best interest.
  • Aliens Act No 1

    Aliens Act No 1
    Certain people were not allowed into the country. Also, certain people were now not allowed to have a surname. This was, interestingly enough, targeting the Jewish population that were fleeing Europe.
  • Native Laws Amendment Act No 46

    Native Laws Amendment Act No 46
    This kept blacks from getting land from non-blacks in urban areas. They were required to get the okay from the Governor-General. This kept the population in the cities down to the number needed for labor.
  • Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No 55

    Prohibition of Mixed Marriages Act No 55
    This meant that whites could not marry anyone that was not white. They couldn't marry other racial groups.
  • Suppression of Communism Amendment Act No 50

    Suppression of Communism Amendment Act No 50
    Anyone who conspired to overthrow the government was committing a crime. Also, if you ever thought those ideas you were also in violation of the law.
  • Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents Act No 67

    Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents Act No 67
    This got rid of passes but it added a new problem, passbooks. Instead of carrying a single pass, one had to carry an entire book that documented every single bit of their past.
  • Black Education Act No 47

    Black Education Act No 47
    Segregation of education was not only allowed but encouraged. This allowed the beginning of the Bantu Education Act.
  • Blacks resettlement Act No 19

    Blacks resettlement Act No 19
    Blacks would be removed from their townships and forced into their reserves. This allowed the massive resettlement of entire towns to take place.
  • Extension of University Education Act No 45

    Extension of University Education Act No 45
    Colleges would only serve one ethnic group and reserved to right to serve no blacks. Black students needed a permit to go to several colleges.